Norway and Finland suspect Russia of having blocked GPS: GPS World


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Photo: NATO / Espen Hofoss, Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt

"data-medium-file ="×183.jpg "data-large-file =" https: / / "class =" medium-size wp-image-67826 "src =" https: //www.gpsworld. com / wp-content / uploads / 2018/11 / NATO-Trident-Juncture-F-300×183.jpg "alt =" Photo: NATO / Espen Hofoss, files forskningsinstitutt "width =" 300 "height =" 183 "srcset ="×183.jpg 300w, /11/NATO-Trident-Juncture-F-245×150.jpg 245w, 540w "sizes =" (max-width: 300px) 100vw, 300px "/>

Photo: NATO / Espen Hofoss, Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt

NATO conducted its largest military exercise since the Cold War in the icy cold waters and icy mountains of Norway from 25 October to 29 November. 7.

During the last days of Trident Juncture exercise, GPS signals guiding ships, planes, tanks, trucks and troops began to fail. The tracking screens flashed and the positions were suddenly wrong, from a few meters to hundreds of kilometers.

Civil airliners, cars, trucks, cargo ships and smartphones operating in and around Norway and Finland have experienced similar disruptions. Norwegian airline Wideroe said The observer of Barents that its pilots reported the loss of GPS signals during their flights to airports in northern Norway and Finland. The affected aerodromes range from Kirkenes on the Norwegian border with Russia to Lyngen in Troms, much further west.

Russia is the main suspect to block signals in response to the size and proximity of military exercises. Russia has also recently conducted massive military exercises in the Baltic countries.

"It is possible that Russia was the disruptive party," Finnish Prime Minister Juha Sipila told the local press. "Russia is known to possess such capabilities."

Trident Juncture involved the 29 members of the NATO alliance. Neutral Sweden and Finland also took part in the conference against a backdrop of growing uncertainty about Russia's ambitions in this tense region.

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