A man in contact with a bacteria feeding on flesh


A Michigan man is lucky to be alive after a close encounter with a rare case of flesh-eating bacteria.

Josh Muñoz and his wife Sarah were in Houston last month to celebrate their one-year anniversary when their trip was shortened by a shower Muñoz will never forget.

When Muñoz started rubbing the inside of his thigh one morning, he said pieces of his flesh had begun to tear.

"My skin has been washed away," Muñoz said. "It's not like a sunburn, but enough for me to know that something really was not going well."

"I was losing meat in my leg, you could see everything," he said.

After consulting his doctor, the council came quickly: go to the emergency room now.

"It was impossible for me to go to the emergency room about 30 kilometers from my three children," Muñoz said. "So we jumped into the truck and drove as fast as we could."

While the couple was making the 20-hour commute to Michigan, Muñoz said that he was starting to feel tired and delusional. He began to disappear and disappear. At one point, he asked his wife to stop to rest in a hotel.

"My wife said no," Muñoz said. "She said we had to go further and we had to get to the emergency room."

The decision saved his life, said Muñoz.

"Less than 20 minutes after I saw him, the doctor said that he was preparing for an emergency surgery," Muñoz said. "He said that I had a necrotizing fasciitis, a flesh-eating disease, and that he needed to save my life."

When he woke up after the operation, Muñoz said that the doctor had told him that he would have an 80% chance of dying in his sleep had he chosen to stay in his house. stop and rest when returning to Michigan.

"I was so grateful to my wife for her tenacity and perseverance," he said.

Three surgeries and a pig skin transplant later, Muñoz is finally on the road to recovery.

A few days after his initial surgery, Muñoz said he had really realized the extent of his injury.

"I could see what the injury was like," he says. "It looks like Hannibal Lecter has cut the top of my thigh."

Muñoz, owner of a small construction company, said that he would be bedridden for three to six months. He still has surgeries in front of him.

"It's a traumatic life-changing experience," Muñoz said. "Not only for me but for my three sons and my wife, my eldest son has advanced and got a part time job."

He added that his wife, Sarah, was also looking for a part-time job to pay the bills while taking care of their children. A GoFundMe page created by one of his former clients helps him finance a portion of his income.

"I have a two-year-old, 14 and 16, who all wants something for Christmas," Muñoz said. "It's going to be hard to understand that."

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