Type 2 Diabetes: Consume this type of cheese to control the disease.


Type 2 diabetes occurs when the blood sugar level is too high.

It is a serious condition that must be controlled because if left untreated, it can cause health problems to the eyes, kidneys, heart and nerves.

In addition to taking medication, it is essential that people with diabetes change their lifestyle to keep the disease under control.

Lifestyle changes include weight loss, exercise, and a healthy, balanced diet.

Of course, people with diabetes should try to limit the amount of sugar they consume, but it's not just sugar that needs to be reduced.

Foods rich in salt and fat should also be limited.

This is because fatty foods can lead to unhealthy weight gain, and being overweight increases the risk of diabetes complications and other health problems.

Eating too much salt also increases the risk of high blood pressure, which can also lead to health problems and increase the risk of diabetes complications.

Some foods, however, can be hard to give up. If you like cheese, for example, you may have trouble cutting it off from your diet.

But tasting cheese and having diabetes does not mean you have to give it up forever.

Cheese is a good source of calcium, essential for healthy teeth and bones.

It is also a good source of protein, which is vital for a healthy and balanced diet.

However, cheese can also contain a lot of fat and salt. It is therefore important not to overeat, especially if you are diabetic.

If the pleasure of cheese is your guilty pleasure, opt for a strong-flavored type instead of a gentle type.

Ripened cheddar cheese, parmesan and feta are just three examples of delicious and strong cheeses.

The advantage of strong cheese lies in the fact that because of its stronger flavor, you can sprinkle less your pasta or add fewer slices to your sandwich, while enjoying the taste.

With softer cheeses, you may need to eat more to enjoy it, which means more fat and more calories.

Diabetes UK also recommends adding cottage cheese to certain meals, for example replacing butter in mashed potatoes.

Cottage cheese is less fat than other cheeses and can also be used as an alternative to sour cream.

"A healthy and balanced diet will help you and your family eat well, feel good and enjoy food," said Diabetes UK.

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