The next mission SpaceX launches a satellite that even amateurs can use



A rendering of hail-2 in orbit.

Are & # 39; hailSat

The next launch of a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket is scheduled for Thursday at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The rocket will carry a payload designed to bring amateur radio to new heights.

Elon Musk Space Company to Launch Reusable "Block 5" Reminder Used in July Telstar 19V Mission. This time, however, the Qatar Q-hail-2 satellite will be put into geostationary orbit.

Es-hail-2 was designed and manufactured by Mitsubishi Electric in Japan to "strengthen broadband delivery, broadcasting and global connectivity in Qatar, throughout the region and beyond," according to Qatar. Satellite Company.

But the satellite also has a special feature: two repeaters for amateur radio users, more commonly known as amateur radio operators.

"Es-hail-2 will also provide the first geostationary communication capability of Radio Amateur Satellite Corporation (AMSAT) that connects users to the visible world in one go and in real time," the statement said.

A number of amateur radio satellites are already in space, but almost all are in low Earth orbit. Es-hail-2 will work much higher in a geostationary orbit where it will have a "view" of over a third of the globe. This will allow communications, for example, between India and Brazil for what are known as "hams".

SpaceX plans to land the first leg of the Falcon 9 on its drone called "Of course I still love you", which will be parked off the Atlantic Ocean.

As usual, SpaceX will broadcast the launch and landing via YouTube. The takeoff is scheduled for Thursday at 15:46 ET, with live coverage to begin approximately fifteen minutes before launch. We will integrate the feed as soon as it is available.

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