Golden State Warriors players face Draymond Green to make decisions


An angry exchange late in the game between Kevin Durant and Draymond Green took place in the locker room of the Golden State Warriors Monday night in Los Angeles, where teammates vividly faced Green for his decision on the final game of regulation, indicated sources to the ESPN league.

After the loss of 121-116 overtime for the Los Angeles Clippers, some witnesses described this in camera exchange as one of the most intense of the Warrior era. Nobody had to be separated, no player left his side and no trace of physical character was omnipresent in the frame, sources said.

The impending free agency of Durant increases the sensitivity of the turmoil.

Golden State officials were working Tuesday to deal with the situation, sources told the League. His teammates fought with Green in the final moments to keep the ball instead of going to Durant to try a winning shot, sources said.

Green has been strongly defended, which has contributed to the escalation of volume in the room, sources said.

Durant was visibly upset when Green recovered a defensive rebound in the final moments of a draw and dribbled the ball over the ground before losing control of the lead. Durant was seen striking in his hands, an apparent call for the ball.

Neither player spoke to the media after the match, but veteran leader Shaun Livingston played down the heated exchange.

"Just the spirit of the team," said Livingston. "Team spirit." The guys wanted a different result than what had happened. </ P> </ p> <p> Obviously, Dray had the business figure – the guys might have thought they were open or want basketball, they did not understand it, things happened like that in sports, seeing fire, emotion. "

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