Drug-resistant bacteria responsible for the overuse and underuse of antibiotics


HARTFORD – A new report from the World Health Organization concludes with a paradoxical but nonetheless worrying conclusion about the use of antibiotics worldwide: an increase in multidrug-resistant bacteria may be attributed to excessive use of antibiotics, and to other countries underutilize them.

The report examined the use of antibiotics in 65 countries and revealed widely varying rates of use. Mongolia tops the list with 64 defined daily doses per 1,000 people. As a reference, the average Europe was 18. Burundi had the lowest rate, 4.4 doses per 1,000 population, suggesting that the country and a number of others could do not have adequate access to the use of antibiotics.

The frequent use of antibiotics has been cited as the cause of a sharp increase in the number of drug-resistant bacteria, to the point that some experts claim that the world is running out of control. effective antibiotics.

Dr. Michael White, of the UConn School of Pharmacy, said that individual underuse of antibiotics also plays a role.

"They have a bacterial infection, they take it. A day and a half later, they feel really good so they decide not to take the rest, and the infection comes back. "He said:" They killed the weak, they have decreased the number of bacteria so that they feel better, but the strongest are still there, the strongest have always survived and then you expose them to this and they are more likely to become resistant. "

White said, while new antibiotics are being developed, so is another line of attack: probiotics. Think of it as fighting fire with fire, or at least fighting bacteria with bacteria.

"The idea behind probiotics is not that you're trying to kill the bacteria that might be bad, but what you're trying to do is try to squeeze them out," he says. said White. "You try to get them in order to build a fence or wall so that they're less likely to proliferate."


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