Do this exercise one hour a week to prevent heart attacks, according to a study


Regular training can certainly reduce your risk of heart disease, but there is a specific exercise that can reduce your chances even more, according to a new report.

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Researchers at Iowa State University recently conducted a study published in the Medicine and Exercise journal Medicine and Science to determine the link between resistance exercise and risk factors for cardiovascular disease.

To do this, they evaluated more than 12,500 adults, aged 47 years on average, having undergone at least two clinical examinations between 1987 and 2006. They recorded their medical history, analyzing in particular the data relating to cardiovascular events. such as heart attacks and strokes.

After analyzing the results, they discovered that weightlifting was beneficial to the heart. In fact, lifting weights for less than an hour reduced the risk of heart attack or stroke by 40 to 70%.

They spent more than an hour doing this, which did not produce any additional results. They also stated that the benefits of strength training are independent of running, walking and any other aerobic activity.

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"People may think that they have to spend a lot of time lifting weights, but only two sets of presses to calibrate that take less than 5 minutes could be effective," said the co-ordinator. author, DC Lee, in a statement. "The results are encouraging, but will people incorporate weightlifting into their lifestyle? Will they do it and will they stick to it? That's the million dollar question.

Although scientists are only interested in free weights, they think that other resistance exercises or muscle building activities will be beneficial.

They discovered that resistance exercises were associated with a risk of developing a 29% metabolic syndrome, which can increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes. It also reduced the risk of hypercholesterolemia by 32%.

"Muscle is the powerhouse for burning calories. Muscle building can move joints and bones, but also has metabolic benefits. I do not think that's appreciated, "said Lee. "If you develop muscle, even if you are not aerobic active, you burn more energy because you have more muscle. It also helps prevent obesity and provides long-term benefits on various health outcomes.

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