West Virginia police 'apprehend' stuffed raccoon on fermented crab apples


Raccoons from at least one city in West Virginia apparently do not seem to tolerate their alcohol.

With the help of local residents, Milton Police Department officials were apprehended and arrested on Monday a "masked bandit" – a raccoon – the police department announced on Facebook.


Those in the Milton neighborhood called the authorities after noticing the strange behavior of the raccoon; he would have been staggered and would seem to be disoriented. Some locals were convinced that he was enraged. Rather, it seems that the creature just had too much to "drink".

"We've had calls to suspected raccoons mad twice over the past two days. It turns out that they seem to be drunk with crab apples, "said the Milton Police Department.

Although it may seem unusual, it is possible for animals to "get drunk" from fermented berries and other food products. In October, for example, residents of a Minnesota town called the authorities to report that several birds crashed into windows and rushed into cars. It turns out that the birds were intoxicated; would have been intoxicated by berries that had fermented earlier than usual due to an early frost.

And in 2014, a squirrel became viral after being stuffed with too much fermented crab apples, much like the West Virginia raccoon.

The drunk raccoon caught on Monday was not the first. Officials from the Milton Police Department said they had "apprehended" another just the day before.

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Both animals were released near a "unscathed" forest area, authorities said.

"If you see an amazing and disoriented raccoon, do not come near it. He could be ill so call us and we'll take care of them, "they added.

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