IDF warns Gaza residents of Friday as residents of Gaza demand security | The Jewish Press – | Hana Levi Julian | 8 Kislev 5779 – 16 November 2018


Photo credit: Abed Rahim Khatib / Flash 90

Friday, Arab riots at the security fence of the Gaza Strip

The IDF will not show moderation against protesters at the Gaza border, said General-General Kamil Abu Rukun, Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT), in an Arabic-language video released Thursday night.

The video was intended for Gazans who might consider participating in another weekly round of violence called "The Great March of Return".

"The IDF will not show restraint," Abu Rukun warned. "Whoever approaches within 100 meters of the [security] fence puts itself in danger. You have been warned, "he added.

The warning was issued in the midst of Israeli anger over a ceasefire agreement with Hamas released earlier this week after 48 hours of clashes in which terrorist factions in Gaza fired. more than 460 rockets on Israeli civilians, killing one and wounding nearly 100 others were seriously injured.

Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman officially resigned earlier on Thursday over the ceasefire agreement.

The crisis threatens to overthrow the government of Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who now holds 61 seats with a 61-seat majority in the Knesset.

Hundreds of residents of Israeli cities in the southern Gaza Strip protested the ceasefire agreement outside IDF headquarters in Tel Aviv, blocking roads and holding placards indicating : "We are not second class citizens".

The protests took place as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu met with officials of the Gaza Strip's municipal authorities to clarify his position following public criticism of the Minister of Regional Cooperation, Tzachi Hanegbi, who said on Thursday that rocket fire on the Gaza Strip was not a fair cause for a large-scale military operation in Gaza.

"There is a difference between the Gaza belt region and Tel Aviv, the economic capital of Israel. . . the Hamas attack was minor, because shooting at Tel Aviv has different implications, "he said.

Hanegbi said the prime minister and defense representatives agreed that to "end violence in Gaza", it is necessary to try to reach a long-term agreement, not to enter in a war that would cost hundreds of deaths.

At the same time, a delegation of Egyptian intelligence met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem before traveling to Gaza to meet with Hamas officials to discuss the recent ceasefire agreement between Israel and the United States. Hamas, reported the Palestinian Authority media.

TPS and Yona Schnitzer contributed to the content of this report.

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