David Arquette loses in a brutal and bloody death match


David Arquette

Lost in Brutal, Bloody Wrestling Deathmatch

17/11/2018 06:51 PST

David Arquette was bloody, mutilated and almost tortured Friday night in a wrestling match … and there was nothing to do about it.

David was in a "match-to-death" – that's the name and not really a euphemism – during a Game Changer Wrestling event that took place at The Hi Hat.

The actor became a wrestler was against Nick FN Gage and it was just brutal. Gage broke a light tube over Arquette's head. You see David catching his neck as the blood flows from the area. Surprisingly, the fight continues.

Towards the end, it looks like David drops out of the ring, but the 47-year-old makes his big jump and bleeds profusely. Gage tramples him, but David responds by hitting him with a chair. It did not take long … David gets pinned.

After the match, David told his fans that he needed a few stitches and that he was fine.

He ended by saying that matches to death were not his thing … and that's a good thing.

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