Netanyahu in Israel to hold a "decisive" meeting & # 39; on the coalition


Jerusalem (AFP) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has announced that he will hold a "decisive" meeting on Sunday with Finance Minister Moshe Kahlon, in order to avoid early elections.

Netanyahu's ruling coalition has been found with a majority of seats in parliament after a strike on Wednesday by Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman and his warmongering party, Yisrael Beitenu.

Lieberman resigned following a ceasefire agreement in Gaza, which ended Tuesday the worst outbreak between Israel and the Islamist leaders of the territory, Hamas, since a war in 2014.

The Kulanu party, center-right of Kahlon, holds 10 seats in parliament and is vital to the survival of Netanyahu's ruling coalition.

While the next elections are currently scheduled for November 2019, Kahlon called for the holding of elections "as soon as possible".

"I am going to meet Moshe Kahlon on Sunday before the minister's council of the week for one last attempt to convince him not to overthrow the government," Netanyahu, Likud party chairman, told Twitter.

"We can not overthrow a right-wing government, and all Likud members want to continue serving the state for a year."

Kahlon, however, told Israeli channel Channel 2 on Saturday night that he did not think it possible to maintain a coalition with such a small majority.

"We must act responsibly," he said.

Netanyahu had talks Friday with Education Minister Naftali Bennett, whose home nationalist party, Home, said the Jewish home, Home, would have had to leave office if Lieberman's post was not to him. assigned.

The eight party legislators are another crucial element of the Prime Minister's very small parliamentary majority.

Netanyahu said Friday that he was temporarily holding the post of defense minister.

Bennet told Israel's second channel on Saturday that Lieberman had "collapsed the government, there was no more government and we were heading for elections – there was no such thing. Another alternative ".

"We agreed with Moshe Khalon that there is no more government," he said.

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