Search! Leonid meteor shower visible this weekend


Calling all cosmophiles: The meteor shower Leonid in 2018 will culminate this weekend.

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With a clear sky, there is a good chance that you can see an early meteor on Saturday and Sunday evening.

According to the American Meteor Society, spectators can expect 10 to 15 meteors per hour during this year's peak hours: early morning of Saturday and Sunday.

"The Earth will pass at 7 pm in the thickest part of the Leonid swarm. EAST (23:00 GMT) on November 17th, "according to experts. "But the best time to watch will be after midnight on Sunday morning, once the source of where the meteors seem to come from, called the radiant, comes over the horizon for observers in North America . "

Dawn is the best time to watch the Leonids, as viewers will be able to avoid the glare of a thorny, gibbous moon, which sets before 2am local time, the experts added. And in ideal dark sky conditions, meteors "enter our upper atmosphere at a speed of 72 km / s – faster than any other meteorite rain".

The meteors are connected to the comet Tempel-Tuttle, discovered in 1865 by the German astronomer Ernst Wilhelm Tempel and the American astronomer Horace P. Tuttle. The two astronomers discovered the comet independently.

The comet "performs quite frequent passages in the internal solar system," said David Samuhel, senior meteorologist and astronomy blogger at AccuWeather. "It lays fresh debris on the path of Earth's orbit every 33 years."

When they get closer to the planet, astronomers can feast on explosive showers. In 1833, astronomers reported up to 72,000 shooting stars at the time, according to National Geographic. Later, in 1966, a group of hunters reported seeing 40 to 50 streaks per second over a period of 15 minutes.

Scientists currently predict that the next major explosion will not occur until 2099. But, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution last year, the comet will return closer to Earth in 2031 and 2064, meaning that More intense storms are on the horizon. Small showers, like this weekend, happen every year.

Even though the 2018 rain will not bring hundreds of shooting stars on time, it will be a pleasure in areas where the sky is clear and there is no moonlight.

What is the difference between a meteoroid, a meteor and a meteorite anyway?

Bill Cooke, head of NASA's Meteoroid Environment Bureau, told that a meteoroid was essentially a space debris. For example, the "crumbs" left by the Halley's Comet Trail are meteorites.

These "crumbs" can also be left behind by asteroids, such as the 3200 Phaethon.

Once the meteorites enter the Earth's atmosphere, they become meteors (or shooting stars).

Although most meteors disintegrate before touching the ground, meteors that hit the surface of the planet are called meteorites, said Cooke.

How to watch the meteor shower

Clear skies are essential for observing the meteor shower. Skyglow, the light pollution caused by localized street lights, will block the stars and will negatively affect your viewing experience. So, head away from the lights of the city.

When you're out in the dark, lie on your back, feet to the south, and look at the vast sky. Give yourself 30 minutes for your eyes to adapt to the environment.

Make sure to bring warm clothes, sleeping bag, blanket or garden chair and leave your telescope at home.

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