Digital Tokens: Two ICOs Settle SEC Fees


As you may have seen, the SEC today settled charges against two companies that sold digital tokens in country offices, fining each company $ 250,000. Airfox and Paragon will compensate investors who have purchased tokens and will register them as securities.

Digital tokens
Designerkottayam / Pixabay

To add to our previous discussion on the regulation of cryptography, we have added some comments from Maxwell R. Rich, Regulatory Advisor at AngelList and Associate General Counsel at Republic, the crowdfunding platform supported by AngelList, on the implications of this application for existing service and security token projects.


Q3 cover letter letters, conference, scoops, etc.

Maxwell R. Rich, Deputy Attorney General of the Republic:

"Industry participants should study this agreement closely because it shows how to avoid violations of US federal securities laws, showing the pitfalls of not following them and, more interestingly, can provide new indications to token issuers who wish to register their digital tokens with the SEC. Post-offering.

"Registered securities are generally freely tradable. An example of this would be an IPO issuer, such as Google. And now everyone can buy Alphabet shares. The problem is that to date, no tokens have been registered with the SEC through the IPO process. That's why this regulation is so interesting: it indicates that there is another way to allow issuers to register their security tokens, whether they are exploring digital asset offerings or looking for ways to to bring their previously unregulated ICO into compliance.

"It also reminds to token issuers that since the release of the CAD report, the SEC has taken a strong position with respect to token sales, unless they fall under a registration exemption such as Reg D, Reg CF or Reg S.

"Utility chips offered under term agreements such as SAFT and DPA will likely have to be registered or not registered."

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