Anthony M. Derlunas II apologizes for "Heil Hitler! Heil Trump! burst out at & # 39; Fiddler on the Roof & # 39;


BALTIMORE – A man who shouted "Heil Hitler! Heil Trump! During a theatrical performance of "Fiddler on the Roof" in Baltimore, said he was sorry for the blast.

The Baltimore Sun reports that Anthony M. Derlunas II said in an interview with the newspaper that his comments were "beyond one mistake".

The 58-year-old said he drank a lot before the show. Derlunas said the classic play taking place in a Jewish village in Tsarist Russia reminded him of the immigration policy of President Donald Trump, who had incited him to run wild.

The comments triggered panic in the Hippodrome Theater and a few dozen people started running towards the exits. The fright occurred a few weeks after an armed man shot and killed 11 people in a Pittsburgh synagogue.

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