Superman statue at Metropolis wears a black armband in Stan Lee's honor


The statue of Superman in the heart of Metropolis, Illinois is adorned with a black armband to mark the death of legendary comic artist Stan Lee.

The Superman statue stands outside the Super Museum, which houses a collection of Superman memorabilia that attracts many tourists each year. Although Superman is a DC Comics character and not one of the many characters co-created by Lee, Man of Steel is always respectful.

You can see a picture of the statue of mourning in the KSN report.

Following Lee's death last week, DC Comics issued the following statement:

"It has changed the way we view heroes, and modern comics will always have an indelible mark. Her infectious enthusiasm reminded us of why we all fell in love with these stories. Excelsior, Stan.

Marvel Comics and its parent company, Disney, followed soon after.

"Stan Lee was as amazing as the characters he created," Disney President and CEO Bob Iger said in a statement. "A full-fledged superhero for Marvel fans around the world, Stan had the power to inspire, entertain and connect." The magnitude of his imagination has been surpassed that by the size of his heart. "

Lee was 95 years old. Born Stanley Lee Martin Lee, began working in comics in 1939, at the time when Marvel Comics was still Timely Comics, but gained prominence in the 1960s. He collaborated with Jack Kirby to create the Fantastic Four and create the Marvel Universe as we know it, and with Steve Ditko to create Spider-Man and redefine what could be a superhero. From there, he helped to create the most popular comics, on television, to the characters in the film, including the X-Men, the Avengers, the Black Panther, the Iron Man, the Hulk , Thor, Ant-Man, Dr. Strange and Daredevil. .

In an interview with in 2015, Lee explained that he could never have expected his comics to generate a multi-billion dollar franchise.

"No, no, years ago, when I made these comics, we gave them free to people," Lee said. "The printer would send us a lot of comics, more than we needed. A guy would come to deliver sandwiches to the pharmacy. We would say, "When you go out, do you want to bring those books with you? We even gave original artwork, we never thought it was worth it! This has changed. "

Joan, Lee's wife aged 70, passed away in 2017. He is survived by his daughter, JC.

"My father loved all his fans, he was the greatest and most honest man," JC said following Lee's death.

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