The best way to reuse Thanksgiving remnants? A tasty waffle all-in-one, extremely crispy and totally festive.
USA Today Network / Time

The Thanksgiving meal of the year should engulf less money than the previous ones.

Theoretically, of course, it depends on how many people you serve and how much you plan to eat.

The 33rd Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Survey of the American Farm Bureau Federation – including turkey, stuffing, pumpkin pie and all canned foods – showed that the average cost for a family of 10 was $ 48.90 , less than $ 5 per person and less than 1% of the levels of the previous year.

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Since 2015, the average cost of the Thanksgiving dinner has steadily declined and is now at the lowest level since 2010.

Taking into account inflation, the cost of the Thanksgiving dinner this year was less than $ 2 per person and was the most affordable for over 10 years.

The federation employs 150 volunteer buyers across the United States to buy the basics of the Thanksgiving meal for its price survey.

The 33rd Annual Price Survey conducted by the American Farm Bureau Federation indicates that the cost of the traditional Thanksgiving dinner has decreased this year. (Photo: American Farm Bureau)

It starts with the turkey.

With a good stock of frozen turkey stocks, turkey prices this year averaged $ 1.36 per pound, or $ 21.71 for a 16-pound bird. That's down 3%, or about 70 cents, from $ 22.38 last year, or $ 1.40 a pound.

These are the lowest prices for turkey since 2014 and close to new levels since 2010.

"Many retailers are using turkey and turkey prices to attract pedestrian traffic in this busy holiday season," said John Newton, an economist with the American Farm Bureau Federation.

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Milk, frozen peas and sweet potatoes are also cheaper this year.

Stuffing, cranberries and pumpkin pie are more expensive.

New items were added to the survey this year, including bone-in ham, Russet potatoes and green beans. Including these items, the total cost of the dinner was $ 61.72.

And there is always a way to make it cheaper: Go Vegan.

Contact Price at 321-242-3658 or at the address [email protected]. You can also follow him on Fla2dayBiz.

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