According to British experts, letting children taste alcohol at home will not deter excess consumption of alcohol | Society


Parents are advised to delay the moment their child drinks alcohol for the first time, as this can damage the growing brain.

According to experts, the idea of ​​introducing your child to alcohol, for example with a glass of wine at the dinner table, would remove any novelty and deter excess alcohol consumption . Too many people still think that families who drink together in France are protecting their children safely, while the county's alcohol and heavy drinking rates exceed those in the UK.

The warning comes from health activists in northeastern England, who launched a campaign for parents, called What's the Harm, backed by experts from the UK.

As directed by the Chief Medical Officer, a childhood and non-alcoholic youth under 18 years are the healthiest – and that no child should drink before 15 years of age. However, this 2009 review, confirmed in 2016, Colin Shevills, director of Libra, an alcohol awareness group founded by 12 local authorities in northeastern England, is not widely known.

"Only one in 20 adults is aware of it," he said. "Obviously, many myths are flourishing in the absence of vigorous campaigns. The government has not done enough to educate the public about the harms of alcohol in teens and children. "

Their survey of parents shows that almost half (43%) of children believe that children should have tasted alcohol before age 15, although it is proven that children who start drinking early are more likely to become heavy drinkers when they are older.

"Parents have the right to know all the harms of alcohol that children are exposed to if they drink. All parents want what is best for their child and we know that it can be hard to know what to do against alcohol, "said Shevills .

"However, we learned from speaking to parents in the Northeast that it is mythical that providing alcohol at a young age makes children less curious, while it may actually be a trigger. People mention the French way of giving alcohol to kids – but the UK's alcohol dependency rate is twice as high as in the UK. "

It is safer for children to drink at home if they drink, he said, but parents have the right to know the damage that alcohol can cause and have the power to plead against. a teenager who says "everyone is doing it".

Alcohol affects children faster than adults, said Dr. John Green, general practitioner in Prudhoe, Northumberland. "The medical evidence clearly demonstrates that alcohol consumption can also affect the normal development of vital organs and functions of the child, including the brain, liver, bones, and hormones. This is also related to their mental health, can lead to feelings of depression in children and can also affect their performance at school, "he said.

More and more young people are choosing not to drink and they need support, said Professor Sir Ian Gilmore, President of the Alcohol Health Alliance of the United Kingdom. "Myths suggesting that providing your child with alcohol will prevent them from having problems are much more prevalent and people have the right to know the facts.

"This Libra campaign aims to help parents solve a problem that many of us have had to face. This will help parents make alcohol-related decisions that will give their children the best start in life. I therefore urge the government to consider how it can be replicated throughout the country. "

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