Discovery of a "super-Earth" near the solar system


Rendered of the exoplanet Barnard's star

Rendered of the exoplanet Barnard's star

Researchers in the Red Dots exoplanet hunting group have detected a planet – about 3.2 times the mass of the Earth and a very cold orbit, Smithsonian reported.

A super-Earth has recently been discovered and is located about six years from our Sun. Scientists have used several instruments for their research, including the HARPS and UVES spectrographs of the European Southern Observatory (ESO).

The planet is located as far from its host star as Mercury from the sun, as researchers have discovered. Subtle changes in data – the use of existing scientific instruments can be recorded with great accuracy.

"However, we will continue to observe this moving star to rule out possible, but unlikely, natural variations of stellar brightness that could pose as a planet," added Ribas, lead author of a new study announcing the detection of Barnard's disease. Star b.

Barnard's Star B is the second closest to the Sun exoplanet. This designation is owned by Proxima b, a world about the size of the Earth, which revolves around Proxima Centauri, one of the Alpha Centauri trios.

Barnard's Star B is the closest known exoplanet to us after Proxima B, whose announcement of the discovery caused a sensation in August 2016. The "super-Earth" is dimly lit by its star, a red dwarf probably twice as old as the Sun. This year lasts 233 terrestrial days and its surface temperature is close to -170 degrees Celsius, due to the fact that the planet is near the snow line, where the volatile substances are frozen.

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Darrington then expiated his transgression with scorers scoring 4 and 16 yards with 7:59 and 3:51, respectively, to play. Two games later, Stewart passed to Taylor in the left apartment and the senior reached the end zone with a plunge.

The star of Barnard & # 39; s Star, located nearby, is actually 30,000 billion kilometers from the Earth.

"Or it can be what we call a mini-Neptune, like a reduced version of the gaseous giants of our solar system".

"Even more exciting, the next generation of ground-based instruments, which will also come into service in the 2020s, should be able to directly image the reported planet and measure its light spectrum," wrote Diaz. . The team also re-examined the data collected by different telescopes over the last 20 years.

It's really close and so if you have the hope – like me – to see these planets to study them in detail, we have to start with the closest ones. "We must always stay a little cautious … but we were pretty sure we were prepared to go ahead with the publication.

"We all worked very hard on this result," said co-leader Guillem Anglada-Escude of Queen Mary University in London.

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