Meghan Markle is apparently aiming for a life without germs for her baby


Duchess of Sussex Pregnant, Meghan Markle is doing everything in her power to keep her baby healthy. And, according to the Daily Star, this includes avoiding as much germs as possible.

Meghan – who is married to Prince Harry, of course – is about five months pregnant, and a source close to Meghan has revealed that Meghan, 37, would be so eager to stay healthy, she and her baby, that 's right. she even tried to avoid any air conditioning.

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Getty Images

"Obviously, Meg has always talked about organic, holistic life. She is more interested than ever in this matter, "said the source. "She loves" live "yoghurt to promote healthy intestines and just eat [vegetables] and fruits from organic farms. It will walk as soon as anyone smokes and it keeps as little germ away as possible. So no matter where with air [conditioning] is a no. "

Well, if Meghan wants to avoid germs, I'm just going to assume that she and Harry, 34, will not be caught off guard in the past. And it's me who hurts me.

The source also revealed that despite the fact that Meghan is pregnant, she continues to follow her yoga routine. "Meg said that she wanted to let nature lead the way," said the source. "This means that all yoga will remain in her program because she wants to have a birth as natural as possible – holistic drug-free remedies, and Mom Doria [Ragland] handy for meditation. "

I have the impression that most women say it until they feel a human being pass through them. But hey, more power to Meghan. You must congratulate Meghan for doing everything in her power to ensure a healthy pregnancy.

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