Apple CEO Tim Cook defends his research contract with Google amid fears of confidentiality


Tim Cook has defended billions of dollars from Google, fearing that this partnership will harm Apple's pragmatic approach to confidentiality.

Google is reporting to Apple more than $ 9 billion a year to become the default search engine of the iPhone, according to an estimate of Goldman Sachs seen by Business Insider.

But Google has been affected by a number of privacy issues in recent months. The company closed its Google+ social network for consumers in October after breaking 500,000 accounts. The Associated Press discovered in August that Google services on iPhone stored location data, even when users told them not to.

Despite recent fury, the CEO of Apple Cook has confirmed his agreement with Google when asked if it compromises the confidentiality of Apple. He told "Axios on HBO" on Sunday:

"I think their search engine is the best, look at what we've done with the controls we've built in. We've got private browsing on the web, we've got a smart tracking prevention system. to do is to find ways to help our users throughout the day.This is not a perfect thing.I would be the very first person to say that.But that would greatly help to help. "

Cook has long since espoused Apple's approach to privacy as a "basic human right". He spoke about the results of the company while rivals, including Facebook and Google, were dragged into scandals this year.

Read more: Tim Cook has launched his most virulent attack against companies like Facebook and Google that accumulate amounts of "industrial" data

Cook launched a deadly attack last month against companies that accumulate "industrial" amounts of personal data. Speaking at a conference on privacy protection in Brussels, he said storing personal data amounted to surveillance and should make us "very uncomfortable at home." ".

"Our own information, from daily to personal, is turned into weapons against us with military efficiency," he said, calling for a "comprehensive federal privacy law" in the United States.

Cook did not mention Facebook or Google, but they were an obvious target because they had access to huge personal information deposits allowing them to personalize advertising.

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