3 things for better health


1. Do you feel sun loss? Seasonal depression, the "winter blues", seasonal affective disorder known as SAD, are very real things. The Washington Post noted that Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost city in the north of the country where the darkness lasts nine weeks, until the sun rises again on January 23, is considered a lack of sun on sunny days this autumn and early winter

"Many think that shorter days and longer nights affect their health." About 5% of the population suffers from seasonal depression, according to Mental Health America.A reduction in daylight causes a "winter blues" "Slightly milder in 10 to 20% of cases, according to the American Academy of Family Physicians," the Washington Post reported.

"Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, affects women much more than men, 4 out of 5 people are women, and it affects people under the age of 30 as well as older people. depression, such as lack of energy, sleep problems, change in appetite and weight and loss of interest in favorite activities.But with SAD, symptoms come and go with the Nobody knows what's causing it, but most experts associate its development with less exposure to sunlight, This can disrupt your body's internal clock, cause depression, and lower levels of Serotonin, increase melatonin levels and decrease vitamin D levels, thus affecting your mood.Treatment options include light therapy in front of a special light box for 20 to 60 minutes per day, as well as behavioral therapy and possibly antidepressants. "

2. This week, promise to stretch each day by doing 20 squats, 20 lunges, 30 arm circles forward and backward, and 20 side leg lifts. It's a start. And do not forget to walk. Try to go faster, then more slowly to add a few intervals to the rhythm.

3. Join a Thanksgiving tradition with the ninth annual Brainerd Turkey Trot on Thursday, November 22nd. The 5 km run and the 1.5 km walk – to prepare for the big feast – benefit the Shriners Children's Hospital. So that participants can feel good about helping others and dressing themselves with the vinaigrette, mashed potatoes and pies that they will consume. The event begins and ends at the Brainerd Armory and travels through the streets of the Crow Wing County Industrial Park and Exhibition Center. The organizers note that it is an excellent course for beginners and a quick route for seasoned riders. People can pick up packages from 5pm to 5pm. Wednesday and the morning of the race from 19:30 to 20:45 at the Armory. For Thanksgiving, the race starts at 9am. For more information, visit Brainerdturkeyrun.com.

For more tips on the Three Things weekly list, check out the Monday Motivator page every week in Dispatch or e-edition, or visit www.brainerddispatch.com and go to the lifestyle to access the Health drop-down menu or search for it. Using the keywords "Monday Motivator".

If you have questions or tips to share, contact Renee Richardson, Editor, at [email protected] or 218-855-5852.

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