Trump seeks to preserve US-Saudi alliance while CIA binds crown prince to Khashoggi's murder


TODAY, ANOTHER ESTIMATE OF THE SPACE FORCE: Assistant Secretary of Defense last week Patrick Shanahan said the cost of a separate military service, known as the Space Force, could only amount to $ 5 billion. This afternoon, we will have an independent estimate of Todd Harrison at the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Harrison, director of the Aerospace Security and Defense Budget Analysis Project at CSIS, is employing to find figures related to the Space Force. At 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Harrison will present his cost calculations for various possible configurations of the spatial reorganization of national security, including a Space Corps and two different organizations of the Space Force.

MATTIS REPORT ON TURKEY: Congress issued a Pentagon report on the purchase of jet aircraft by the F-35 by Turkey. Legislators now have full discretion to decide to lift the freeze on jet transfers. Mattis presented the review of US-NATO relations just prior to today's deadline, which had been mandated by the National Defense Authorization Act. "The ministry has forwarded to Congress the NDAA Secretary of Defense report for F-35 to make a decision, and department officials will continue to work closely with Congress to answer their questions." said the Pentagon spokesman. Lieutenant Colonel Mike Andrews said Friday.

Meaning. Thom Tillis and Jeanne Shaheen directed the freezing of high-tech jets. "It appears that the DoD has determined that Turkey has discharged its obligations to purchase F-35s in accordance with the NDAA provision," Tillis' office said. Washington Examiner. "The release of Pastor [Andrew] Brunson has been a positive step that opens the possibility of improving relations between the United States and Turkey. Some outstanding issues still need to be resolved, including Turkey's purchase of the S-400 from Russia and the detention of other US citizens by Turkey. "

Should the AUDIT be audited? The Pentagon was quite proud of itself last week for carrying out its first-ever Defense Department audit, which it said was the largest audit ever, covering $ 2.7 trillion in assets and a liability of $ 2.6 trillion.

But "some aspects of the financial audit are a waste of money," says a retiree Lieutenant General Tom Spoehr Heritage Foundation, which notes that the colossal efforts cost more than $ 400 million.

"A financial audit primarily validates the accuracy of an organization's financial statements, that is, its statement of budgetary resources, its balance sheet, its statement of net cost, and the statement of changes in net worth. DOD. Frankly, no one is watching these statements at the Pentagon. They are not used to managing. This does not mean that the Pentagon should receive a free pass, but the audit must change in order for the DOD and the US to get the most out of it. "

"The standards need to be changed to reflect the uniqueness of the DOD so that the audit can focus on areas in which it can be of the greatest value," Spoehr said.

SANITATION OF ECHO KHASHOGGI TROOPS SLAIN: Jordan made false claims and gave quirky explanations after one of his soldiers killed three American green beret coaches outside one of his bases in 2016, according to a new lawsuit filed by their families. The fathers of the three murdered soldiers who sued the kingdom this week said the treatment of these deaths was a reminder of Saudi Arabia's changing explanations of the murder of a Virginia resident and the chronicler of the murder. Washington Post Jamal Khashoggi in one of his consulates last month.

"For life to work, we must all want to empower the powerful, whoever they are, whatever their behavior," James Moriarty, father of the army Staff Sgt. James Moriarty who was among those who were shot dead, said Friday. "The Jamal Khashoggi case is almost identical to this one because you lie after lies after lies, people refusing to take responsibility for what they did." Moriarty and the other two fathers, Chuck Lewellen, and Brian McEnroe seek damages from Jordan for what they claim to be an attempt to conceal the shooting, which has attracted the attention of the international community and triggered an overwhelming investigation by the Pentagon that has cleared the soldiers. The civil suit filed in the District Court of Washington, DC does not seek a particular dollar amount.

COULDA, SHOULDA, WOULDA: In his interview with Fox News, President Trump again reprimanded the secret services for preventing him from attending the Armistice Day ceremony at the American cemetery near Paris last weekend. But Trump admitted he did it by not making the short trip across the Potomac to the Veterans Day celebrations at Arlington National Cemetery last Monday.

"I should have done it, I was extremely busy with calls for the country. As you know, we have had a lot of calls, "said Trump in his interview for Fox News. "In retrospect, I should have done it, and I did it last year, and I will do it practically every year."

Trump noted that after scrambling his helicopter on Saturday, he made a speech in the rain Sunday on another grave and felt that would be enough. "We arrived very late at night and I had just left the American cemetery in Paris and I probably thought that everything was fine. I was extremely busy because of the state affairs and other things. "

Trump also said that he would spend a lot of time visiting US troops in war zones, which he has not yet done as president. "Well, I think that will happen. There are things that are planned. We do not want to talk about it obviously for security reasons and all the rest. "

"I do not think anyone has been more with the army than me, as president. In terms of funding, for all that I've been able to get, including veterinarians. I do not think anyone has done more than me, "he added. "I've had an incredibly busy schedule and I'm going to do it."

HEADCOUNT OF THE SOUTH FRONTIER: There are now 5,800 troops deployed on the southern border, spread across California, Arizona and Texas. This number includes 1,500 soldiers in southern California, while members of a caravan from Central America arriving in the United States began arriving in the Mexican city of Tijuana in the hope of entering in the country, said three defense officials at the Washington Examiner.

CUT THE COSTS OF MURDER: Navy Seal Edward Gallagher is accused by the navy of murdering an Islamic State fighter wounded with a knife in Iraq, CNN reports. The charges include multiple violations of the Uniform Code of Military Justice when deployed in 2017 in Mosul. He is also accused of firing on non-combatants, having carried out his re-enrollment ceremony next to a body, tramadol hydrochloride analgesic.

BLACK KNIGHTS MAKE THE LIST: The Army football team has been in the top 25 of the Associated Press for the first time since 1996. It qualifies Sunday for the official collegiate football poll at number 23, as preparations begin to face to the Navy. The Black Knights (9-2) have moved closer to the Top 25 in recent weeks and have finally managed to break through.

Army rankings have been a rarity since the early 1960s. From 1963 to 2017, there were only two seasons in which the Black Knights figured in the top 25 of the year. AP. In 1985, the army was No. 19 for a week en route to a 9-3 season. In 1996, the Army lost 10-2 and was ranked in four of the last five polls of the season.


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