The fallout from the classic Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair


If Ronda Rousey and Charlotte Flair are supposed to be the main event of WrestleMania 35, WWE has just given us the first part of their story.

The two women met for the first time at the Survivor Series on Sunday night because SmackDown women's champion Becky Lynch had a broken face and a concussion on Raw last week after being hit by Nia Jax.

There was no obvious winner, but Flair and Rousey left us an absolutely fantastic match – the night game – and a story as compelling as the one we've seen in the women's division for a long time.

The match itself was as physical and exciting as expected between two of WWE's best athletes, men and women. The bumps were hard, the strikes were hard and you thought they were fighting, not just a match.

The pace was fast and Rousey and Flair opposed each round. Even with all this, it's what happened after the match that will stay in the memories and that could influence the scenarios for months.

After fighting Rousey's armband, Flair left the ring. Rousey, whose mouth was already bloodied by a bend that she had taken earlier in the match, ran around the corner near the announcements table and was greeted by a kendo stick. Flair is broken without explanation.

Flair continued to light up in a helpless Rousey with the kendo stick with a vicious and furious look on his face. She then fought several referees to get past Rousey. At one point, she stomped on a chair that was placed around the neck of the UFC champion champion, the bantamweight.

And just when you thought she had finished, Flair jumped into the ring and hit a natural selection that hit Rousey's head against the chair. After the queen looked sadistic, Rousey finally got up but received no sympathy from the Los Angeles crowd who chanted "Thank you Charlotte" and "Becky".

When Lynch chose Flair to replace her, she told him to beat Rousey as if she were going to beat her and hit her as if she were going to do it. Maybe when Flair could not get the submission, she wanted to make sure she had beaten instead. In one of her pre-match tweets, Flair wrote that she was running for "BEAT" Rousey. Mission accomplished.

The after effects put the Lynch-Flair-Rousey story in an interesting place. After the injury, the popularity of Lynch, his full roasting of Rousey on Twitter and Flair seeming to lose favor with the public led him to believe that a main event of Becky-Ronda at WrestleMania in April at MetLife Stadium was conceivable. Now, you have to question that.

Rousey and Flair reminded us of where the real money and orientation of the women's revolution is. The two men now have a credible, bloody and unfinished personal problem to build.

After what happened Sunday night, it would be hard to imagine a WrestleMania championship game not including Flair, either against Rousey herself or in a three-game threat including Lynch – even if it's difficult to organize with the Raw split and SmackDown brands. The latter would allow them to solve their problems, but perhaps Charlotte and Lynch reconnect with their hatred for Rousey.

If you want to sell one of the three women of WrestleMania's main event, even to casual fans, just show them Flair and Lynch to Evolution and Rousey and Flair to Survivor Series.

You can have the Rousey and Lynch match at the Royal Rumble as the champions will not be arguing with their brand that night anyway. Flair wins the Rumble match, and it's gone.

Even after all the advances made by Lynch, if you were looking for the sign that Flair-versus-Rousey is still a real possibility for the main event of WrestleMania 35, you'll understand it at Survivor Series.

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