The CEO of ThirdLove blames Victoria & # 39; s Secret executives for making "shocking" remarks: "We have finished pretending that some sizes do not exist"


ThirdLove has no love for Victoria's Secret yet.

Heidi Zak, CEO of ThirdLove, bra and lingerie retailer, has published an open letter in the New York Times Sunday edition, highlighting his problems with recent remarks made by the director of Victoria's Secret, Ed Razek, in an interview with Vogue.

"Last week, I was shocked by the humiliating comments about women that your marketing director, Ed Razek, sent to Vogue," writes Zak. "It's hard to believe," he said, "We tried to make a special TV show for tall people. [in 2000]. Nobody had any interest, still not. "


Zak also quoted a passage in which Razek – in fact the marketing director of L Brands, owner of Victoria's Secret – said he would also refuse to present transsexuals at Victoria's Secret annual fashion show.[b]Because the show is a fantasy. However, as a result of the interview, Razek apologized for the "insensitive" comment, claiming he admired the transsexual models.

Zak called Razek's words "shocking" and "pejorative" and posted photos of the full-page letter on ThirdLove's official Instagram account, as well as on his personal account, in which Victoria had write Secret.

The Vogue article, published on Nov. 8, evoked Razek's feelings regarding the inclusion of the modeling industry, with the author citing brands such as Michael Kors and Savage X Fenty de Rihanna as more inclusive brands, regarding the parade. .

Razek answered a question about including more varied models by saying that Victoria's Secret was once considered too "fat" for other designers, and that VS models "continued to improve their fitness," although no one told them to do it. He also said that three pregnant models paraded in VS fashion shows – rented Savage x Fenty by Rihanna – but said VS did not "treat her for attention."

Models Cindy Bruna, left, Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Alexina Graham walk on the runway at the Victoria's 2018 Secret Fashion Show in New York City.

Models Cindy Bruna, left, Gigi Hadid, Kendall Jenner, and Alexina Graham walk on the runway at the Victoria's 2018 Secret Fashion Show in New York City.
(Evan Agostini / Invision / AP)

Monica Mitro, vice president of public relations for VS, also interviewed for the play, said that "the series shows have been culturally diverse for a long time." She pointed out 19 "new faces" who participated in the show in 2018: evidence, although Vogue wrote that "none of them approach at a distance, plus size".

"I do not think we can be everything for all customers," Razek finally said of the brand's efforts for inclusivity.

Martha Hunt walks on the runway at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2018 in New York.

Martha Hunt walks on the runway at the Victoria's Secret Fashion Show 2018 in New York.
(Evan Agostini / Invision / AP)


In his letter, Zak questioned Razek's position and exploded the idea of ​​creating a "fantasy" that she considers as so far removed from reality.

"How, in 2018, the collective management organization of a publicly traded company – not to mention the one claiming to be a women's business – can it make such shocking and derogatory statements?

"Have we not gone beyond outdated ideas about femininity and gender roles? It's time to stop telling women what makes them sexy – let's decide. We are done with the assumption that some sizes do not exist or are not important enough to serve. And please, stop saying that inclusivity is a trend, "she added.

Zak also commented that Razek seemed to be aiming directly at ThirdLove, in which he said:[Victoria’s Secret is] the third person's love. We are their first love. "

"As you said Ed," We are only the third love, we are their first love. " We are flattered for this mention, but let us be clear: we may not have been the first love of a woman, but we will be her last. "

ThirdLove had also responded to Razek's comments last week on Instagram. Zak had written that she was "disappointed" in her statements and claimed that ThirdLove was "the antithesis of Victoria's Secret".

Fox News also got an additional comment from Zak in which she reiterated her surprise by seeing Razek's interview and calling for an end to the annual fashion show.

"I was completely dismayed to read the comments of Ed Razek, what kind of leader and what man would say such discriminatory things? Every time I read it, it's all about me." more and more angry, reading the article, I could not "Help me, but think about my 5 year old daughter: how would she react to her statement in five years?" How would she react when she? she was watching a Victoria's Fashion Show's Secret?

"I thought it was the right time to respond directly to Ed's comments about ThirdLove and to demand more from Victoria's Secret.We are in 2018 and I believe women deserve to To be treated and marketed in a more authentic and realistic way.I hope this year is the last of the fashion show.The public will put enough pressure on VS to bring real and meaningful changes to its organization and messages that 'she sends to women all over the world.'


A Victoria's Secret representative was not immediately available to comment.

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