Chipotle goes back on the dismissal of his manager after a viral video


Chipotle is reconsidering its decision to fire a restaurant manager for refusing to serve five young black men accused by employees of being rehearsed in a viral video.

In the video, which was posted on Twitter Thursday by Masud Ali, 21, Ali and his friends report racial stereotypes perpetrated by staff at the Chipotle store in St. Paul, Minnesota. On Saturday, Chipotle announced the dismissal of the restaurant manager and the retraining of his other employees.

"Our actions were based on facts immediately after the incident, including video footage, social media postings and conversations with the client, the manager and our employees," said Laurie Schalow, Communications Manager. from Chipotle, in an email. "We now have additional information that needs to be deepened. We want to do what is good. After further investigation, we will train and re-hire if the facts warrant it. "

Schalow refused to expand the details of the new information.

The two-minute video, viewed more than 5 million times on Sunday night, shows that Ali and his friends are denied service.

It all starts with an employee who tells the men, "You have to pay, because you never had money when you came here."

"You're stereotyping us," one of them answers.

Finally, one of the restaurant staff called the police.

On Sunday, the media published images of several older publications on Ali Ali's Twitter account in which he seemed to be joking about leaving restaurants without paying. Efforts to reach Ali for comments Sunday night were unsuccessful.

In a July 2015 post, he tweeted: "Dine and Dash is always interesting."

In another tweet of 2015, Ali wrote: "Guys, we borrow food … that's all and if the lady stops you (sic) to stop you at the door, do not hesitate to get out the truck of this b … "

In January 2016, he tweeted: "I think Chipotle is catching up with us … if we had to change location …"

Schalow said that Chipotle was aware of these tweets when he decided to dismiss the manager and that the company's decision to reconsider the move was not based on them.

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