NASA is organizing an exhibition at Science City: NASA is organizing an exhibition at Science City | Ahmedabad News


AHMEDABAD: In January 2019, citizens and enthusiasts of state and local science could visit the traveling exhibition Beyond Planet Earth: The Future of Space Exploration at the City Sciences. The exhibition is sponsored by the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) in New York, in collaboration with the Israel National Museum of Science, Technology and Space, and is organized by NASA.

According to officials from the state science and technology department, the 9,000 square foot exhibition will be held next year at the Gujarat-led Global Investor Summit (AGGIS) and will be held for 16 weeks at Science City.

The exhibition will feature sections including the theater of the solar system, the return to the moon, the exploration of asteroids, the trip to Mars, the attainment of the outer solar system and beyond our system solar.

The exhibition will extend over an area of ​​200 m² and will feature life-size models of NASA's Curiosity Mars robot, Vostak capsule, Sputnik 1, Moon boots, X immersion. Deep X, the lunar elevator and its extensible habitat, etc.

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