Infinity War is coming on Netflix in December, so get ready to spend the holidays with Thanos


The holiday season is about to get a little clearer for Marvel fans. Netflix announced on Monday, November 19th that Avengers: Infinity War arrives at Netflix on December 25th, Christmas Day. Forget all the plans you had previously planned with your family and friends, because Thanos is here to crush your holiday itinerary into dust. (Sorry, too early?) Just let Netflix to launch its video game continuously in one go.

Of course, it would not be the first Marvel movie to make its way to the streaming platform. Not far away, actually. Thor: Ragnarok, Strange doctor, and Black Panther all became available on Netflix in recent months, so the fact that this summer Avengers The installment will be the latest addition to the collection is not so surprising, but it's still enough for hardcore fans to always be happy with each other throughout the year. In reality, it is the perfect gesture on the part of Marvel. Because what better way to keep people excited about Avengers 4 that by reminding us of the major cliffhanger War of Infinity book? 2019 can not arrive here soon enough as it brings us one step closer to getting answers in the aftermath of Thanos' actions. Attention: the big spoilers to come!

For those who are few and have not yet watched the movie but are still interested in this post, let's plan exactly where we left off with our beloved superheroes as they unite their efforts to bring down Thanos and save the universe. After successfully collecting the six stones of the infinite – the stone of space, the reality stone, the power stone, the spirit stone, the time stone and the stone of Soul – Thanos used the power of his glove to nail his fingers and eliminate half of the people in the universe. This meant that many of the film's main characters were disintegrating into a pile of dust, including Bucky, Groot, Mantis, Drax, T Challa, Peter Quill, Peter Parker, Doctor Strange, and the Scarlet Witch. Just to name a few.

This was obviously a huge moment that surprised many viewers. Has the franchise really erased so many essential characters? There is a good chance that at least some of these deaths can be undone, thanks to the mere existence of the temporal stone, which allows the user to go back in time. It's unclear exactly how this will all happen at the end, but since Nick Fury used his last moments before biting the dust (pun intended) to send a message to Captain Marvel, it's safe to assume that She will have a vital role in the realization of all this. However, we will have to wait until Avengers 4 just know for sure.


But in the meantime, we can watch the madness again and marvel that so many lives are currently at stake in the MCU. And honestly, can you think of a better way to spend Christmas day?

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