During the war, Kevin Durant is fined $ 25,000


Kevin Durant has been in the news in recent weeks.

After arguing with Draymond Green last week, the Warrior star was fined $ 25,000 for telling a fan to "shut up the f — up and watch the match f ——" during a game against the Dallas Mavericks this weekend. On Wednesday, Durant was recording a podcast with Yahoo Sports's Chris Haynes when the suspension was canceled. In response, Durant called the fans of heckling "nerdy" and "weak" – especially when those who do it are adults.

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"[$25,000] for telling a fan to close the f — up and watch the f —— match, "said Durant.More fans should understand what it means.Cultured men can not come to games and heckle adult men.It's nerdy.It's weak. "

Durant, continued Durant: "You're going into a game to make a ruckus to an adult man." & # 39; You are weak. & # 39; "Draymond this, Draymond that." & # 39; You are a bitch. & # 39; … are you going to sleep as an adult doing this to another person? "

Durant's exchange with a fan took place at a stoppage of play in Saturday's game against the Mavericks. The MVP twice from the Warriors to the final did not hesitate to let the fan know what he felt about the heckling throughout the fight.

This is only the latest in a series of dramatic incidents involving Durant and the Golden State Warriors. In last Monday's match against Los Angeles Clippers, Green chose not to pass the ball to Durant in the closing seconds of the settlement and failed. Both men had a violent verbal altercation following the play and the situation overflowed into the locker room where Green would have ended up calling it a pejorative term.

In addition, Durant weighed in on the green drama on Wednesday and said that he will not be a factor in his impending free agency next summer. During the 2018-2019 season, Durant has a player option. He can therefore withdraw from his current contract if he wants to test the free market.

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