City of Los Angeles lawyer to look into tort charges for Avenatti allegations of domestic violence


The Los Angeles prosecutor's office announced on Wednesday that it had referred the domestic violence allegations against lawyer Michael Avenatti to the city's public prosecutor's office for it to consider him like a crime.

Avenatti, best known for representing the adult movie star Stormy Daniels in his lawsuit against President TrumpDonald John TrumpTrump: WHCA chooses a "good first step" for non-comedians at the head of the group In the Senate, Mississippi, debate debate in the Senate: John Dean of Watergate: Nixon would say to Trump that he's going too far., was arrested last week on a possible charge of domestic violence.

The actress Mareli Miniutti accused Monday Avenatti of having dragged her by the arm, after screaming at the swear words and calling her "ungrateful" when she was caught. ;a fight.

Avenatti on Wednesday hailed the prosecutor's decision, which writes on Twitter that he is "particularly grateful for justice".

"No charges have been filed.NONE," said Avenatti to The Hill. "The prosecutor can only bring charges of crime and they refused."

The city prosecutor's office could still lay charges of misdemeanor. The office confirmed to The Hill having received the case and reviewing it, but stated that "there are no other details at the moment".

Avenatti also reiterated on Wednesday that he was insinuating that the charges against him stemmed from the work of Jacob Wohl, a pro-Trump plot theorist who had previously participated in an alleged conspiracy to tarnish the special advocate. Robert Mueller false allegations of sexual misconduct.

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