Israeli Consulate in Boston for RT Reporter: You're a Shame for Americans and Jews Around the World – United States


The Israeli consulate in Boston sent hostile messages on Twitter to a Jewish journalist after tweeting critics about how a US news agency was covering last week's escalation in the Gaza Strip.

Dan Cohen, who works for RT America, a television channel funded by the Russian government, said the Associated Press agency "whitewashed Israel's crimes," saying that it was not the case. was despite the fact that Israeli gunfire was directed against an AP. journalist in Gaza.

Cohen's criticism of the APP was shared on social media by pro-Palestinian activists. After Cohen's tweet and revelation that he had in sharing, Cohen stated that he had begun to receive private messages from the official Twitter account of the Israeli consulate in Boston, accusing him of To be "a shame for the Americans and the Jews of the world".

Referring to the pro-Palestinian website of the electronic intifada, another message sent by the consulate said: "Being retweeted by the founder of ElectronicIntifada must feel like a cognitive dissonance, huh?"

In response to an investigation by Haaretz, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon described the consulate's messages as "improper and inappropriate conduct" and added: "We took it to the attention of the [consulate] and asked that any speech of this nature be avoided. "

Later, the consulate tweeted that "the message was sent by a former employee who no longer worked with the consulate and had accidentally sent this message from the consulate account rather than his personal account."

The consulate's private messages were published on Moscow's RT website, which identified Cohen's retweet as apparently coming from Ali Abunimah, co-founder of the website Electronic Intifada, an independent online publication that covers the Israeli conflict. Palestinian. .

The Associated Press reported this week that one of his cameramen, Rashed Rashid, had been shot in the leg Monday while covering a protest in the Gaza Strip near the border. Israeli. vest with the world "PRESS" on it.

"Some colleagues said the fire appeared to be coming from the Israeli side of the border, and the Israeli army said it was investigating this incident," the AP report said.

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