Latest News: The visit of a distant island was the last adventure of the man


NEW DELHI – The latest on the death of an American adventurer and missionary who was killed by an isolated Indian tribe (all local times):

4:30 p.m.

John Allen Chau spent the summers alone in a California cabin as an emergency responder in the wild. He led backpack expeditions in the Cascade Mountains in the northwest of the country, nearly lost his leg following a rattlesnake bite and led football teams for poor children. 39, Iraq and South Africa.

But kayaking on an isolated Indian island, home to a tribe known to shoot arrows at strangers, will prove an adventure too far for the outdoor enthusiast and the Christian missionary.

Police in India said Wednesday that he had been killed and authorities were working with anthropologists to try to recover his body in North Sentinel, in the Andaman Islands.

The 26-year-old was originally from southwestern Washington State, where he attended Vancouver Christian High School. He then graduated in Health Sciences and Exercise at Oral Roberts University, a Christian University in Oklahoma.

There, he worked with the mission and outreach department of the university.


4 o'clock in the morning

The family of an American killed by members of an isolated Indian tribe claims that he forgives those who did it.

Relatives of John Allen Chau posted on Instagram a statement in which they said they were mourning him as "beloved son, brother, uncle and best friend of us".

The family also called for the release of those who helped him on his quest to reach the island.

Police said that Chau was killed on North Sentinel Island by a tribe known to have fired bows and arrows at aliens.

They say seven fishermen were arrested for helping Chau visit the island last week.

Visits to the island are severely restricted and the residents of the Sentinels are known to resist contact with strangers, often attacking them.



Police say an American was reportedly killed by an isolated Indian tribe, known for shooting aliens with bows and arrows.

According to police officer Vijay Singh, seven fishermen were arrested for facilitating the American's visit to North Sentinel Island, where the killing allegedly took place. Visits to the island are severely limited by the government.

The Sentinel inhabitants live on a small forested island and are known to resist any contact with strangers, often attacking anyone who approaches it.

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands form a group of islands located at the confluence of the Bay of Bengal and the Andaman Sea.

Indian media reported that the American was on an adventure trip to the islands and his body was found by fishermen.

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