Sony has given Spider-Man two new release dates for spin-ups


Although Marvel and Sony are very interested in the Spider-Man incarnation in the film world of Marvel, the latter studio also manages its own Spider character franchise, unrelated to what is happening with Tom's version. Holland from the Web-Slinger. Venom opened on October 5th and continues to wreak havoc at the box office. After seeing the financial success of the symbiotic anti-hero movie, Sony has decided to release two more films from this Spider-verse movie for 2020.

According to Variety, a "Sony-Marvel Untitled Project" will be released on July 10, 2020 and a "Sony-Marvel untitled sequel" will follow on October 2 of the same year. Although neither of these two films is named, it's easy to guess what they are probably. The first date is probably reserved for Morbius, Spider-Man's next fallout on the role, while the sequel is virtually guaranteed to be Venom 2. However, as long as Sony has not disclosed more information, we can not say with absolute certainty that these are the two films in progress.

Morbius was announced at about the same time last year and, like his comic counterpart, the eponymous protagonist, played by Jared Leto, will be a scientist who, seeking a cure for his rare blood disease, accidentally becomes a "living vampire". which includes the thirst for blood. Morbius is a particularly tragic character and, like Venom, has been described as an anti-hero rather than a super villain.

No specific details on the plot Morbius The film has already been revealed, but last month, producer Avi Arad said that he would start filming as early as February 2019. Assuming that this is still the plan, it would leave a lot of time to Morbius to be ready in July 2020. Morbius being the second major protagonist to be introduced to the Sony franchise of Spider-Man-less, his film counts a lot to make it attractive to people who do not follow comics and reinforce it. new cinematic universe.

As for Venom 2It is not surprising that Sony has decided to move forward with this sequel. While Venom received many negative reviews from critics, which had a negative impact on its business performance. Not only did he perform well during his national run, it was a huge international success, especially in China, where he totaled $ 187 million in 10 days. Currently Venom 780 million dollars worldwide, and with such numbers, a sequel is inevitable.

Venom also took the liberty of laying the groundwork for Venom as in the mid-credit scenes, as superhero movies often do. Eddie Brock, after defeating Riot and establishing good relations with the Venom symbiote, went to San Quentin Prison to interrogate serial killer Cletus Kasady, better known as Carnage, played by Woody Harrelson . Stating that when he escaped, "there will be carnage", Cletus Harrelson basically assured the fans that at the next Venom 2he will have his own symbiote and will fight against Eddie.

Stay tuned to CinemaBlend for the latest Sony Spider – Man spin – off updates. In the meantime, you can find out which movies will be released next year by browsing our release schedule for 2019.

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