National Weather Service urges motorists to be cautious when snow begins to fall in Hartford


The National Weather Service advises motorists to be cautious Wednesday night when snow squalls cross the state. It is expected that temperatures will drop in the low teens on Wednesday night.

In a special weather report at around 17:15, the service advised drivers to remain alert when a flurry of snow was moving southeast into the state.

"These conditions often lead to accidents, especially on motorways, because road conditions can change quickly," said the meteorological service. "Avoid breaking suddenly. Consider delaying the trip until the grains fall.

Temperatures are expected to rise a few degrees on Thanksgiving Day. Governor Dannel P. Malloy has activated the state protocol in cold weather.

"Winter weather is coming to Connecticut early this year, and the next few nights should be extremely cold," Malloy said. "It is a priority for anyone in need to be protected from the harsh conditions, and this protocol initiates a series of procedures to ensure the availability of shelter and the provision of transportation to bring people to safety. inside. "

Malloy said the state was working with a network of shelters to ensure that anyone needing a cold break could go to the shelter.

Connecticut must face the freezing cold from Wednesday night to Thursday "

How is it going to be cold?

The brutal cold should settle Wednesday night and last until Friday. On Wednesday night, temperatures are expected to reach the lowest levels of adolescence with a wind chill factor of up to -10 degrees at dawn on Thursday.

Thanksgiving day should reach a maximum temperature of 20 degrees Celsius, a cooling factor of the wind causing a much colder temperature.

Someone said snow?

Wednesday night, Connecticut could also see snow after 16 hours. mixed with gusts of wind as high as 34 km / h. The National Meteorological Service has issued dangerous weather forecasts for the state and announced that the snow would be very localized.

The warning indicated that there was a risk of heavy and brief snow, strong winds and slippery roads.

"We will feel more like New Year than Thanksgiving Day," said Gary Lessor, chief meteorologist at the Western Connecticut State University Meteorological Center.

Will the snow have an impact on traffic?

According to AAA, about 2 million New England residents will travel during the Thanksgiving weekend and many will leave on Wednesday afternoon.

With the snow in the forecast, the National Weather Service asks drivers to be vigilant about the state of the roads during their vacation trips.

State police also said they expect thousands of travelers in Connecticut over the weekend. The police will conduct patrols along major highways with a focus on aggressive drivers and drunk drivers.

Do you plan to be away from this Thanksgiving?

The 12,355 runners lined up Thursday morning for the 82nd Manchester Road Race will suffer from an icy cold for the 10-hour gun start. The race is still active, but these cold temperatures may require thicker layers.

The high school football matches scheduled for Thanksgiving have been moved to avoid the worst weather.

Maloney at Platt, which was postponed to Wednesday night at 6 pm, as well as Cheshire in Southington, were also moved at 6 pm. Hand-Madison and Guilford have pushed their limits until Wednesday night at 19 hours. Plainville in Farmington will be played Wednesday at 18h. and Cromwell / Portland at Rocky Hill will also be Wednesday at 6 pm.

Check for more games reprogrammed here.

Staff Writer Shawn Beals and Shawn McFarland contributed to this report.

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