How groups like Proud Boys have a lot in common with Radical Islam – Hack


A helpless young man is attracted by a charismatic leader who promises a return to a time when people like him rule the world.

Sound familiar? This one is fine:

A young man in precarious employment joins a group defending the traditional roles of men and women and men who no longer have to compete with women for work.

Both scenarios describe the radicalization of a young man and his adherence to extremist ideology. And both could apply to radical Islam or the type of masculinist ideologies represented by exclusively male far right groups like the Proud Boys, according to the head of the party. Institute of Religion, Politics and Society of the Australian Catholic University, Dr. Joshua Roose.

"They have a lot more in common with each other," he said. Hack.

We are writing about the Proud Boys recently because its founder, Gavin McInnes, plans to visit Australia next month for a "comedy tour".

It looks like the tour continues despite the fact that the FBI has classified the group as "extremist group linked to white nationalism". Members were guilty of riots, gang attacks and weapons after a street fight with anti-fascist protesters in New York last month.

Thursday, McInnes officially left the Proud Boys, although the meaning of this for the group is unclear, which is still pretty organized.

Roman Quaedvlieg, former head of the Australian Border Force, said the government should deny McInnes an entry visa, as he has done in the past for the Holocaust deniers. , artists, anti-vaxxers and preachers of radical Islam. He says that there is a high risk that it incites violence.

It is difficult to judge the number of Proud Boys fans in Australia. Facebook deleted the pages of the group a few weeks ago. McInnes says that he has a lot of Australian fans. A petition in favor of his visit has 21,000 signatures (although many may be overseas).

A man wearing a Proud Boys scarf at a rally of President Trump in North Carolina

A man wearing a Proud Boys scarf at a rally of President Trump in North Carolina.

Although the Proud Boys are anti-Muslim and define themselves against the perceived threat of Islam, their ideology has much in common with radical Islam, according to Dr. Roose of the ACU .

"These groups are among the first to call Islam misogynistic and homophobic and yet practice the same forms of discrimination," said Dr. Roose. Hack.

"These groups, because of their origins of alienation, anxiety and distance from the wider community, have more in common with the foreign fighters of the Western Islamic State than they are. with traditional political discourse.

"There is a form of crime, a sense of helplessness and hopelessness and a lack of leadership in their lives.

"This story is filled by this story.If you are a young white, the story can be the story quite right Proud Boys or the story of the United Patriot Front.

"If you are a young Muslim, this could be the story of the Islamic State."

Male ideologies are on the rise

Consider these recent global events:

  • Milo Yiannopoulos tells British Parliament that feminism is "vindictive" and "hateful"
  • Nigel Farage says that feminism has been "hijacked by some people who seem to have a rather anti-men and rather negative agenda"
  • Donald Trump says Supreme Court candidate Brett Kavanaugh was the victim when a woman claimed to have raped her
  • Mr. Trump boasts of his manhood in the "seize-by-the-cat" tape of the 2016 US election campaign (the tape dates from 2005)
  • Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said that he would have been the first to rape an Australian nun murdered during a riot in a prison.
  • Mr. Duterte kisses a woman on stage in front of her husband
  • Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi boasts of having a 56-inch chest and glorifying masculinity and traditional Hindu gender roles
  • Russian President Vladimir Putin claims an old-world masculinity through shirtless photo shoots, invigorating the Russian Orthodox Church and demonizing LGBTI people
Altercation between alleged members of Proud Boys and counter-protesters

Alternation between alleged members of Proud Boys and counter-protesters at a rally in Philadelphia on November 17.

There are all examples of masculinist ideologies that are becoming increasingly vitriolic and ubiquitous in general political discourse over the last five years, Dr. Roose said.

"There is a very strong symbiotic relationship in the world between the new populism and a reaffirmation of masculinity," he said.

"[This reassertion] aims to make men the livelihood, bring men back to the forefront of society and reaffirm their rights.

And recently, there have been cases of fatal shootings where the shooter seems to be motivated by these ideologies.

Earlier this month, an armed man killed two people and wounded five others in a Florida yoga studio after filming a video expressing the hatred of women and blacks.

In April, in Toronto, a driver shot dead 10 people and injured 13 others. A few minutes ago, a suspect had posted on Facebook: "The Incel rebellion has already begun!"

Incel is synonymous with unintentional single – an online subculture of young men who claim that women are the enemy because they deprive them of sexuality and attention.

The Toronto attack was inspired by Elliot Rodger. In California in 2014, Rodger released a 141-page manifesto about her deep disgust for women and her frustration at being a virgin, before embarking on a frenzy of stabbing and gunfire that killed six people.

He was virtually canonized by some online peripheral communities.

"The footsoliders of modern American fascism"

The rise of these ideologies is dictated by economic factors, says Dr. Roose.

Precarious employment, casual work, the decline of the manufacturing industry and the long-term effects of the global financial crisis have created a pool of men isolated from society and likely to become radicalized.

This affected both white and blue collar workers.

Suspected members of Proud Boys at a rally in Philadelphia on November 17

Suspected members of Proud Boys at a rally in Philadelphia on Nov. 17.

"It has been 20 or 30 years since neoliberalism and the emergence of the" new economy "are emerging, Dr. Roose said.

"Men who had previously been very secure jobs had a job for life and the women were at home.

"There was a kind of defended place for working-class men in society.

"What has fundamentally happened over time is that we have witnessed the rise of precarious work, a labor force, entire industries and sectors of the economy. economy fully closed, men expelled from the economy. "

"On the other hand, we have seen men who previously worked in offices and in the white-collar sector are also realizing that they are now competing with women, where they previously held jobs middle to middle managers.

"Men in the economy are increasingly marginalized.

Manhattan street fight

The street fight of Manhattan. An anti-Trump protester steps back on the sidewalk.

The next step, said Dr. Roose, could consist of groups such as the Proud Boys, who would become paramilitary forces and sanctioned by the state. This process of adoption is already underway, he said.

In October, the Manhattan Republican Club invited McInnes to talk to them.

"Let us go in," he told Republican brokers.

Outside, his supporters fought the protesters. Before and after the Manhattan brawl, Republican figures defended and promoted the far-right group.

Some have called Proud Boys the "infantrymen" of modern American fascism.

"These people have read Mein Kampf and the history and origins of national socialism – it would be an absolute mistake not to assume that's what they read, that's what who inspired them and what they are trying to achieve, "said Dr. Roose.

"What they are trying to do is establish effective paramilitary organizations, gain legitimacy and have them become a branch of the state afterwards."

"McInnes wants to become an arm of the Republicans and he sees no better opportunity for that than under Trump."

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