GOP sits and loves the battle of Demos on Pelosi


House Republicans look forward to the chaotic struggle for the president taking place on the other side of the aisle.

A few years ago, it was a group of conservative bombers who caused chaos in their conference with their repeated attempts to oust the incumbent president. John BoehnerJohn Andrew BoehnerEthics reprimands Freedom Caucus president over treatment of harassment charges Pelosi's allies prevail against the tactics of their opponents. Meet the lawyer. Democrats call the hour of the account. MORE (R-OH).

Now the roles have changed, while a group of democratic insurgents is trying to deny the leader of the minority Nancy PelosiNancy Patricia of Alesandro PelosiPelosi flexes political power in President Ocasio-Cortez's run: Pelosi has my support Rahm Emanuel said that Pelosi should be the president: "Recruits do not need to apply" SUITE (D-Calif.) To have recovered the President's mallet, even after she helped bring her party back to power for the first time since 2010.

"For those who ask for it, Moulton is NOT on our payroll," joked spokesman for the National Republican Congress (NRCC) Committee, Matt Gorman, on Twitter last week, referring to representative. Seth MoultonSeth Wilbur MoultonPelosi eases his political power in the race for the presidency. Dems supports Pelosi as President by 2 votes on one in the new poll Fudge approves Nancy Pelosi in a surprise (D-Mass.), One of the most virulent critics of Pelosi.

Frustrated members of the rank-and-file have long called for changes in the ranks of the party's well-established leaders, where the three largest democrats have been firmly in control of power for more than a decade. Unlike Republicans, Democratic House MPs have no term limit for the presidency, which has contributed to the conference's bottleneck.

A band of anti-Pelosi rebels sought ways to defeat Pelosi, including trying to recruit a candidate to challenge her as president. The group issued a letter Monday containing 16 Democratic signatures swearing to oppose Pelosi during the caucus in camera vote and in the House.

But Pelosi picked up his detractors one by one, including the representative. Marcia FudgeMarcia Louise FudgePelosi flexes political power in President Ocasio-Cortez's race: Pelosi has my support Rahm Emanuel says Pelosi should be President: "Recruits do not need to apply" CONTINUED (D-Ohio), the only legislator who openly contemplated the candidacy of a president, and Rep. Brian HigginsBrian Higgins16 Dems Sign a Letter Opposing Pelosi as President of the United States and Canada Working Hard to Conclude an NAFTA Agreement 11 An Anti-Leadership Plan -Pelosi signed by Dems (D-N.Y.), Who was one of the original signatories of the Rebel Letters. Both have reversed their positions and announced their support for Pelosi this week after getting various commitments from the California Democrat.

Although Pelosi has not yet blocked all the votes she needs to win the President's hammer, her latest changes to power dealt a severe blow to the uprising before the November 28 caucus vote.

Some Democrats have expressed frustration at the internal party feuds that have spread to public opinion.

"We could win the Super Bowl, and at the post-game ceremony, we were wondering whether or not we should keep the head coach of our team for next season," said L & # 39, former representative. Steve IsraelSteven (Steve) J. IsraelMessage to argue with the Democrats: Ssshhhh Pelosi promises to expand the leadership team Countdown to the elections: Hyde-Smith's "public hanging" joke upsets runoff in Mississippi | New Florida trials | Trump wants a Florida election officer to be fired | Mia Love pursues to stop counting votes in Utah | Republican MacArthur Loses Race at NJ House PLUS (D-N.Y.) In an editorial for The Hill.

"After a mid-term election on what voters were sitting at the kitchen table, the Democratic speech is now talking about" motions to free the president. "

The House GOP, meanwhile, elected its own leaders last week with little fanfare, keeping largely the same place as its management team. There have been few calls for a radical change in leadership even after the party suffered brutal electoral losses in the mid-term elections.

representative Tom ColeThomas (Tom) Jeffrey ColeDemocratic gains erase GOP House in California The GOP returns to Washington after a disappointing mid-term defeat. Race for Appropriations member warms up MORE (R-Okla.), Who chaired the NRCC after the Democrats reconquered the House in 2006, told reporters that the real drama of leadership was happening across the hall.

"Whatever internal divisions we have are nothing compared to what is happening on the Democratic side," Cole said just before the GOP elections.

"That's one of the reasons we have to move fast, we want to give you an opportunity to cover your internal divisions," he joked.

Some Republicans – including President TrumpDonald John TrumpTwitter permanently suspends the right-wing activist of the Trump platform at the teleconference with the Army during Thanksgiving Trump said the media blamed him for traffic jams MORE – have sometimes seemed happy in pointing out the troubles of the Democratic Conference, even thinking of providing President Pelosi if she failed.

"In all fairness, Nancy Pelosi deserves to be elected Speaker of the House by the Democrats. If they give him a hard time, we may add Republican votes. She won this great honor! "Trump tweeted after the election.

"I can get Nancy Pelosi as many votes as she wants for her to be Speaker of the House," he wrote in another article. tweet during the weekend. "She deserves this win, she deserved it – but some members of her party are trying to take it away. She will win! @TomReedCongress? "

representative Tom ReedThomas (Tom) W. ReedOcasio-Cortez: The anti-Pelosi movement opens a window on "more conservative leadership". How can this year's new students save Congress – and themselves? Countdown to the Elections: Countdown to the Florida Senate Elections | Dem returns to Maine House | New trend 2020 – the "friend raiser" | Advertising war intensifies in Mississippi runoff | Blue wave beats California GOP PLUS (RN.Y.), co-chair of the bipartite problem-solving caucus, is however very serious about this idea and said that he was considering supporting Pelosi in the chair if she agreed to a package of regulation.

"As a Republican in the House, I would be ready to support a presidential candidate, including Nancy Pelosi, who supports these rule reforms," ​​said Reed at an event for The Hill last week. "There are other members who are as committed as I on the Republican side who are willing to do it."

Despite the support of the Rule Change Conference, Pelosi is unlikely to gain much support from legislators around the world.

"I do not see any Republican voting for Nancy Pelosi and, although Republicans can lower the number of votes she needs by voting, I do not think she will need Republican votes to be elected to the presidency" , said a GOP legislator. said the hill.

Some have speculated that Trump and other members of the party would only support Pelosi as leader of the Democratic Party in the House, because she is the GOP's most prominent flagship and one of the main opponents of the president. .

Liz Mair, GOP strategist and former RNC spokeswoman, said the party would benefit from the fireworks that could result from conflicts between the California Democrat and Trump.

"Republicans and Democrats would agree that the more there is Pelosi-Trump face-to-face confrontation, the better it is in general," she told The Hill. "The best is for fundraising, if nothing else."

But Mair noted that the president's motive behind his tweets in favor of Pelosi was unclear, highlighting the positive encounters they had had in the past.

"You are watching the meeting of Chuck and Nancy. And I think it's fair to say that he had a better relationship with her than what he expected, "she continued.

"I think there are a lot of problems for which they have the same perspective. I mean that's why many Republicans, including me, did not want to support him in the primary. "

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