Scientist Designs AI Based on 2001 HAL Murderer


<p class = "canvas-atom canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Nowadays," What is it? who could go wrong? "news, a scientist designed an artificial intelligence based on the HAL killer film 2001."data-reactid =" 22 "> In the news" What could go wrong? ", a scientist designed an AI based on the HAL killer film 2001.

<p class = "canvas-atom-text-canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "You know, the one who kills people and refuses to open the pod bay doors"data-reactid =" 23 "> You know, the one who kills people and refuses to open the pod bay doors.

The pioneer of artificial intelligence, Pete Bonasso of TRACLabs, was inspired by HAL when he designed his "cognitive architecture for space agents", an AI designed for space missions (without assassination of astronauts).

Bonasso told Science Alert: "I saw 2001: Stanley Kubrick's space odyssey during my last year at West Point in 1968.

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"When I saw 2001, I knew I had to turn the computer into another being, a being like HAL 9000."

The CASE prototype manages a space station (so far in simulations), managing emergencies such as gas leaks, dust storms and broken engines, and controlling software and hardware on a colony basis.

Bonasso told "Our colleagues and our NASA counterparts are not afraid that our HAL will go out of control.

"It's because he can not do anything for which he has not been programmed."

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