Trump politicizes Thanksgiving call with his troops to attack migrants and judges


Even by Trump's rigged political standards, his comments on a range of controversial issues during what is typically a ceremonial and routine call to Thanksgiving were striking.

"It was, unfortunately, predictable and preventable," said retired Rear Admiral John Kirby, CNN's military and diplomatic analyst. "The president's conduct during this call, the manner in which he politicized it, demonstrated total and total disregard for what military service means."

Trump, who also spoke extensively to reporters after the call, demanded stronger borders and touted US military efforts to secure physical barriers between the United States and Mexico. He reiterated his call for "fair trade agreements", defended his daughter Ivanka Trump against accusations of misuse of email and praised Saudi Arabia's strategic value for the United States in the international turmoil caused by the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi of the Washington Post.

And he maintained his complaints against the federal judges with whom he disagreed with the decisions.

"It's a terrible thing when the judges take care of your protection services when they explain to you how to protect your border." It's a shame, "said Trump about the court's 39th call of the 9th circuit. Earlier this week, a judge from the Northern District of California (whose cases were appealed to the 9th Circuit) issued a temporary restraining order barring the Trump administration from preventing migrants who go to the United States illegally to apply for asylum.

The 9th circuit is a "big thorn in our side," Trump said at one point.

Trump said "that a lot of people are forming at our border" and added: "in many cases we have no idea who they are and in many cases they do not are not good people, they are bad people. "

"We do not leave anyone, basically, because we want to be very, very cautious," said Trump.

Trump has ordered nearly 6,000 soldiers to travel to the US-Mexico border to provide reinforcement to border staff preparing for the arrival of Central American migrant groups. The order was issued in the run-up to the mid-term elections, when Trump was making the fight against illegal immigration a central part of his speech for Republicans looking for a job.

Trump also defended his daughter Ivanka after learning earlier this week that she had used a private email account to discuss or relay official White House business, a practice evoking the one for which Trump had severely criticized Hillary Clinton during the 2016 campaign.

The president said that his daughter's case was very different from Clinton's, claiming that all of his e-mails about government affairs were now "in historical archives" and that Ivanka did not send any classified mail. . "

Trump also praised Saudi Arabia for qualifying them as a "long-standing strategic partner," and said they were investing billions of dollars in the United States.

He again defended Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman against the murder of Khashoggi. "I do not know if anyone is going to be able to conclude that the Crown Prince has done it," Trump said. The CIA linked the crown prince to the murder.

But, he said, "whether he did it or not, he denies it vehemently."

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