Nissan Ghosn dismissed by his president after his arrest


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By Associated press

TOKYO – Nissan Motor Co. on Thursday sacked Carlos Ghosn as president, putting an end to his nearly two-decade reign over the Japanese automaker after his arrest for alleged financial irregularities.

At an hour-long meeting, the company's board of directors voted unanimously to remove Mr. Ghosn to the presidency and representative representation, Nissan said in a statement. a statement. His internal investigation, triggered by a whistleblower, revealed a serious misconduct, including an under-reporting of his income and an improper use of the company's assets.

One of the biggest figures in the automotive industry, it is a man who contributed to the recovery of the French companies Renault SA and Nissan, then to the management of an alliance between them, which sold 10.6 million cars last year, ahead of rivals.

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