Go back for a memorable playoff victory over the Steelers


Happy Thanksgiving, Broncos Country!

Before watching today's games, eating turkey and shopping at Black Friday, let's go back to January 17, 2016.

This was the last meeting between the Denver Broncos and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

The 2015 season was a roller coaster if there was one for the Broncos. Peyton Manning had left the bench in the regular season final to defeat the San Diego Chargers and make sure of the home field advantage in the playoffs.

Looking at things objectively, Broncos fans had to know that the team was fighting hard to reach the Super Bowl that year and that the first roadblock came in the form of the Steelers.

The Broncos were fortunate enough to miss Steelers' top two playmakers: Le'Veon Bell and Antonio Brown.

Ben Roethlisberger still had a big day, scoring 339 yards, much of it for Martavis Bryant, who stepped up and put pressure on the Broncos.

Denver was retained for most of the match and, although they were able to keep it close, Broncos fans began to believe the Broncos were about to be eliminated from the playoffs, but Peyton Manning his storybook ending, either.

It was generally thought that 2015 would be Manning's last season in the league.

The fourth quarter started and the Steelers clung to a 13-12 lead. However, they had propelled the ball into the Denver territory, looking for a touchdown that could hurt the Broncos hopes, given how their offense had played that day.

Roethlisberger handed the ball over to Fitzgerald Toussaint, Bell's replacement. But he was hit by Bradley Roby, who threw the ball in the air. DeMarcus Ware picked up the ball and suddenly things became clear. If Manning's career did not end that day, it was time to change the story.

Michael Schofield was threatening to kill the record, but with a critical score of 3 and 12, Manning hit Bennie Fowler for a 31-yard advantage over the Steelers 36 yards. The stadium became alive, knowing that was it.

Ronnie Hillman would play an important role in the rest of the drive, rushing for 18 yards on five carries after the completion at Fowler. C. J. Anderson completed the race with a touchdown of 1 yard. Manning then hit Demaryius Thomas for a two-point conversion.

At this point, the Broncos had all their goals scored on the pitch in this match. It was their first and only touch. But it was enough to win and it was enough for the team to continue its progression to the Super Bowl.

Of course, the rest of the season is a story since the Broncos have reached the ultimate goal. But this game against the Steelers is memorable because how much it could have changed.

What if Brown and Bell had played? What happens if Toussaint does not fumble and the Steelers finish their training with a touchdown?

Fortunately, fans of Broncos do not have to answer these questions and can rather remember with pleasure this season which ends with Manning who attaches even more to the trophy Lombardi.

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