Firearm buyers may need to submit social media history under proposed legislation in New York


Those looking to buy a firearm in New York may need to submit their social media profiles and search history before purchase if new state firearms legislation becomes law .

According to the legislation drafted by Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams and State Senator Kevin Parker, both Democrats, it would be possible to consult up to three years of social media research history, reported ABC Action News.

Senate Bill 9191, according to the WHAM, provides for "social media review and search engines prior to the approval of an application or the renewal of a license to wear or possess a pistol or revolver, requires anyone who applies for a license to wear or possess a pistol or revolver or a renewal of this license to authorize the review of his accounts on social media and engine history of research and research of certain publications and / or research during a period of one to three years before the approval of this application or renewal, defines the terms "


Under proposed legislation, law enforcement officials could investigate "commonly used secular insults or biased terms used to describe race, national origin, ancestry, sex, religion, disability or sexual orientation, a threat to the health or safety of another person terrorism. "

"There should be more restrictions on how weapons are purchased, we should have more background checks," said Paul McQuillen, director of the New Yorkers Against Gun Violence's Buffalo Section. "We have obviously seen that some mass shooters had a story in social media that should have sent red flags," he said.

The bill could be difficult to pass, critics arguing that it violates multiple constitutional rights.

The bill is currently in committee and no vote is expected.

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