Uh, we still have to talk about the FBI's anti-Trump bias


So, while we were all seated for Thanksgiving dinner, House Republicans had decided to give another blow to FBI director fired, James Comey, and former Attorney General, Loretta Lynch. They issued subpoenas for an in camera session on Justice Department rulings regarding Hillary Clinton's e-mail inquiry and the Russia inquiry in the 2016 election. Various allegations of bias by the DOJ, including the FBI, about Donald Trump. The former FBI agent, Peter Strzok, and his mistress Lisa Page became the poster children from these allegations, which were more or less true. The two men mutually exchanged tens of thousands of texts, including several anti-Trump, when Strzok engaged in an extramarital affair with Page. Strzok, then a senior counter-intelligence officer, spoke of an "insurance policy" and references to prevent Trump from becoming president. Page resigned from the DOJ, while Strzok was fired after his testimony before Congress this year.

Many questions remain unanswered, the GOP wants their answer before the Democrats take back control of the committees (via Politico):

House Republicans gave subpoenas with their Thanksgiving turkey this week, claiming at the last minute former FBI director James Comey and former Attorney General Loretta Lynch to appear in camera closed for an in camera testimony.

The subpoenas, released Wednesday but publicly disclosed on Thanksgiving morning, complimented the threats made by GOP committee chair Bob Goodlatte earlier in the week.

Comey had rejected an earlier invitation from the committee to testify in private and had instead requested a public hearing. Democrats say they prefer the audience to be public.

Republicans investigated FBI and Justice Ministry decisions in 2016 and 2017, saying the deeply rooted anti-Trump bias among senior officials has led the bureau to downplay the results of its investigation of the mail server Private Hillary Clinton as well as in the investigation on Trump. campaign links with Russia. Trump himself encouraged the attacks, calling the Russian probe a "witch hunt" and claiming that Comey and his entourage were corrupt.

Comey dismissed the summons to appear:

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