More Dems threaten to suspend support for Pelosi


Nancy Pelosi

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi met with Democrats from Problem Solvers last week after sending them a letter "strongly" encouraging them to accept their proposals to "break the grid". | AP Photo / Susan Walsh

Democratic members of the Bipartite Caucus who solve the problems warn the House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.), That she will not win their votes as a speaker if she does not support the proposed changes to rules.

"We will vote only for a presidential candidate who would support the changes to the" Break the Block "rules, the group of nine Democrats said in a statement on Friday.

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Pelosi, the only presidential candidate, works to counter the opposition of another group of Democrats who has gathered 16 signatures of members and elected members pledging to oppose her as president during the vote on the ground on January 3rd. The Democratic Caucus of the House will vote on Wednesday for a candidate for president, but Pelosi will have to win a majority of votes from members present and voting in January to find the President's gavel.

Representative Marcia Fudge (D-Ohio), who weighed her offer for the speaker, was on an initial draft of this letter. But she withdrew her opposition and endorsed Pelosi this week after the California Democrat proposed appointing her chair of the subcommittee on house administration elections.

Representative Brian Higgins (DN.Y.), who signed the letter, reversed on Wednesday after Pelosi committed to prioritize an infrastructure bill and legislation to open Medicare to people over 50 years old. Higgins had been criticizing the Democratic leader for months, repeatedly promising to vote against her in the new Congress.

Pelosi met Democrats Problem Solvers last week after sending them a letter "encouraging" to encourage him to accept his proposals to "break the blockage". Pelosi called the meeting "positive and constructive" and credited the members for presenting them with valuable solutions. "Restore the house" as the big market of ideas that our founders had planned. "

She promised to continue working with these members "to develop rule changes that will get out of Washington's stalemate and deliver results for hard-working Americans." But she has not engaged in any proposal.

"While we acknowledge Pelosi's overall commitment to our efforts, we have not yet received any specific commitments regarding the proposed rule changes, which would contribute to "Break the blockage" and allow true bipartite governance in this new era of divided government, "said the members. Friday. "Without specific changes, we will be more often faced with the same problems – small pockets of extremist ideologues will continue to block the will of the majority of common sense."

According to the Democrats, the mid-term elections have clearly shown that the Americans want an effective bipartisan government that will move the country forward, not "obstructionism and pure partisanship".

"Although our discussions are stalled and, therefore, we can not give the floor to Leader Pelosi, we will continue to work with him and others in the hope of reaching a consensus on specific rule changes for a more bipartisan and sensible government, "they said.

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