An American missionary wrote "God protected me" before his journey becomes lethal


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By Associated press

NEW DELHI – The young American, paddling from his kayak to an isolated Indian island whose inhabitants resisted the outside world for thousands of years, believed that God was helping him to dodge the authorities.

"God has protected me and camouflaged me against the Coast Guard and the Navy," wrote John Allen Chau before being killed last week on North Sentinel Island.

Indian ships monitor the waters around the island, trying to ensure that strangers do not approach the Sentinelese, who have repeatedly indicated that they wish to remain alone.

Image: John Chau killed during a visit to North Sentinel Island in Bay of Bengal
John Chau who was killed while he was visiting North Sentinel Island in the Bay of Bengal.John Chau

When a young boy tried to hit him with an arrow on the first day of his stay on the island, Chau returned to the fishing boat that he had planned to wait off. The arrow, he writes, struck a Bible that he carried.

"Why did a little kid have to shoot me today?" he wrote in his notes, that he left it to the fishermen before coming back the next morning. "His shrill voice still sounds in my head."

Police said Chau knew that the Sentinels resisted any contact with strangers, throwing arrows and spears at passing helicopters and killing fishermen drifting on their shores. His notes, reported Thursday in Indian newspapers and confirmed by the police, clearly indicate that he knew he could be killed.

"I do not want to die," wrote Chau, who seemed to want to bring Christianity to the islanders. "Would it be wiser to leave and let someone else go on?" No, I do not think so. "

The Indian authorities are trying to find a way to find Chau's body after he was killed last week by islanders who apparently shot him with arrows and took him out. buried on the beach.

A team of policemen and officials from the Forestry, Tribal Social Services and Coast Guard Departments launched a second boat trip on the island Friday to identify the area where Chau passed away.

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