Scientists have discovered an area of ​​the brain previously unknown


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The newly discovered brain region can be part of what makes us unique. Endorestiform The endorestiform nucleus is located near the junction of the brain and spinal cord and was previously unknown to scientists and physicians.

Professor George Paxinos (George Paxinos) has discovered a new region of the human brain that he believes can be part of what makes people unique. The endorestiform nucleus may be responsible for the control of circulation, is associated with balance and posture, which is largely responsible for our right posture.

Pacinos – world-renowned author of the brain's "map", creates a database for neuroscientists around the world based on the Neuroscience Research Australia project.

Although he suspected the existence of this previously hidden region for 30 years, it is thanks to modern analysis and visualization techniques that he discovered this region.

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