Weather forecast: an enigma wrapped in an enigma


"How to tell if your symptoms are flu or just a cold"

"The flu and colds are nasty respiratory diseases that have similar symptoms, so here's how to make a difference – in the winter, everyone seems to get sick, your colleague does not stop coughing and your child comes home. After school, there is a box of tissues that barely lasts a day. Contrary to popular belief, the cold does not make you sick, but respiratory viruses (especially the flu) tend to peak in autumn and winter. In the United States, the flu season usually lasts from October to March. However, a bad case of sniffles and pain in winter does not always mean you have the flu. It is often a cold that you can have at any time of the year. Colds and flu are two contagious respiratory diseases that can make you feel uncomfortable, but they are caused by different viruses. Some flu symptoms may look like a cold, but the flu tends to be a lot more serious and deadly – so it's important to know the difference between these two diseases. Of course, only a doctor can diagnose you, but knowing how to recognize symptoms is always helpful. So, how do you know if your symptoms mean you have a cold or flu and what is the best treatment? We spoke to Dr. Tania Elliott, allergist and immunologist at NYU Langone Health in New York, to find out. "


Cold and Flu Forecast – Minneapolis

According to, the cold and flu forecast until early next week suggests we will have average and average operating rates.


"14 ways to avoid colds and flu"

"Are you avoiding your coworker with coughs, colds or flu in the booth next to you?" Do you pull your hand from every door handle? Do you have a phobia of colds and flu? Take control before the flu catches you We consulted dozens of medical experts to suggest 14 ways to avoid colds and flu this season. Whenever you shake someone's hand, wash yours: But do not stop there. Wash them as much as possible, said Mark Mengel, MD, president of the chair of family and family medicine at Saint Louis University's School of Medicine. Running a lot of water on your hands will dilute the germs and send them to the sewers. Keep your hands: Touching your nose and your eyes can hurt you, says Mengel. These are the most common places for germs to enter. "


"Ice Rescue Encourages Anglers to Warn"

"Despite strong winds, thin ice and large expanses of open water, a handful of anglers decided to try their luck on Upper Red Lake on Saturday afternoon. When two of these fishermen did not return home, research teams searched the lake. According to the Red Lake Police Department, anglers were found after midnight, stranded on a block of ice that had broken and drifted into open water. They were rescued safely and treated for hypothermia. This type of rescue is quite common in Upper Red Lake. It's a great shallow water plan. This means that it often freezes early, but ice can be unstable. The waves accumulate quickly, cracking ice layers, sometimes with anglers. In 2015, 50 fishermen had to be saved. But this year's rescue is sooner than usual. DND Recreation Safety Coordinator Lisa Dugan sees this as a compelling story. "Some lakes froze early," she said. "But with the temperatures in the coming 40s this week, it might not be safe." She recommends that anglers stay out of the ice up to at least 4 inches thick and head to the mainland if it seems unstable. "


Recent cold weather making ice on lakes and ponds

Ok, I know there are LOTS enthusiastic fishermen enthusiastic to the idea that the recent cold snap has made ice on the lakes and ponds of the area, BUT make sure you do not put yourself in danger on the newly formed ice! MNR MN has basic ice thickness guidelines before even thinking about going out on the ice! Also remember that ice cream is NEVER 100% SAFE!


Weather forecast for Saturday – 24 November 2018

After a nice, mild day, Saturday's temperatures will be closer to average with readings back in the 20's and 30's in much of the state. There will be some light rain / snow showers on Arrowhead early Saturday, but much of the state will remain dry.


Temperature outlook

Temperatures in the subway have run at nearly -7.5F below average so far this month, so Friday's average temperature was pretty nice! Unfortunately, it appears that temporary records return to well below average values ​​by the end of the last week of November. Note that the readings will only warm in the 20s to nearly 30F, which will be more typical of December.


Winter storm sails south of Minnesota

Travel plans this weekend? If your travels take you south, near Kansas City, Missouri – Des Moines, Iowa – The Quad Cities, Madison, Wisconsin – Milwaukee, WI – Chicago, IL; a winter storm can have severe weather consequences. The heaviest snow seems to be falling in the area from Saturday late in the morning to Monday morning. Abundant snow from 4 "to 8" will make the roads slippery and icy at times, so plan ahead!

Title of the winter storm

As of Friday, Winter Storm watches had been posted from Nebraska / Kansas in northern Illinois, in anticipation of heavy snowfall that will fall from Saturday to Monday morning in the region.

"Trips after Thanksgiving will be affected by heavy snowfall in the south"

"A severe winter storm starting Saturday late at night from Sunday to Sunday could impact post-Thanksgiving trips, which could lead to heavy snow and gusty winds, resulting in dangerous road conditions and reduced visibility. on the lookout for forecasts for the next few days. "

Snow potential

According to the European model (ECMWF), areas of deep snow are likely to fall in parts of the Midwest and Central United States from Saturday to Monday. This model suggests near a snowy foot between Kansas City, MO and the southeast of Iowa, as well as the center and the north. Illinois and Indiana!


Weather forecast: an enigma wrapped in an enigma
By Paul Douglas

"The problem with weather forecasts is that it is too often normal that we do not know it and that we are too often wrong to trust it," writes Patrick Young. Pretty true.

At a previous televised concert, I asked if I could recall the 7 days to 4 days because the accuracy decreases rapidly after 72 hours. Management would not have heard of it. "Paul, viewers know that extended perspectives will be wrong, but they want to see it!" So ok.

Generally, temperatures are easier to predict a week than precipitation, but the weather is inherently chaotic (consider a random whirlpool in a stream). According to the statistician Nate Silver, the temperature error over 3 days has gone from 6F in 1972 to 3F today. It's better, but despite technological advances, it will never be perfect.

Going home should be a (cold) breeze this weekend with a drying sky today. Sunday's snow storm affects southern Iowa and northern Illinois. Chicago could still be cut a few inches on Monday.

Next week looks cold and ECMWF suggests a mix of rain and snow on the first weekend of December.

At one point, a slight El Nino signal could be triggered. I'm still waiting.

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