Brexit News: Theresa May may be forced to combine with LABOR to save the day | UK | New


The conflicting prime minister is fighting for her political survival as she tries to rally her support for her withdrawal agreement while getting the draft conditions approved by the EU. But after 20 months of tough negotiations with Brussels, there are still four ways for Ms May to organize Brexit, said Dr Jonathan Swift. Keynote speaker for the Brugge Group's pro-Brexit campaign group, keynote speaker in international business and marketing at the Salford Business School, one of the few choices of options might be to ask for the following. help to the union.

Swift said the prime minister could be forced to form an alliance with Mr Corbyn's party, conservative MPs and workers wishing to vote in the blank to avoid leaving the EU without a trade deal.

He said, "I do not know how that could happen in the short term – she might even win – but in the long run it would be disastrous and May would remain in history as the only Conservative leader to have given so much for so little, in exchange for so little ".

The Labor Party promised to vote against May's agreement, saying it did not meet all six of its criteria, but Corbyn also insisted that he would not allow an uncompromising Brexit.

But some commentators predicted Labor MPs might vote reluctantly in favor of the government's agreement – however imperfect – when it became clear that the only other option was for Britain to comply with rules of the World Trade Organization.

The only other options that offer Theresa May are to risk a Commons vote without the support of the opposition, to resign and allow a new leader to take over, or "l & # 39; nuclear option "of a general election, said Dr. Swift.

He warned that a vote in the House of Commons would be "undoubtedly defeated".

He said: "Only the calculation should tell him that most Leavers will vote against it, because it does not give Brexit as it has promised many times.

"In addition, those who voted for Remain will refuse the proposal because they never wanted a Brexit."

Organizing a general election would also be extremely risky, he said, and could see it enter history as a conservative leader who "lost a general election of the left-wing Labor government since the 1970s. ".

Dr. Swift said his last line of action "is to keep your dignity and to resign".

This would open the door to "a leader who truly believes in Brexit and one who does not do his best to thwart the process," said Dr. Swift.

The Prime Minister is due to visit Brussels today to review the final points of the agreement that has been agreed in principle with Brussels.

National leaders of the European Union will arrive tomorrow to vote on the final withdrawal agreement, which also provides for future trade.

If it is approved, the agreement will be submitted to Parliament in the Christmas perspective.

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