Trump's new book of advisers says president has "incorporated enemies"


In a new book, two of the president's most senior advisers claimed that many White House, Congressional, Justice and intelligence officials are "intrinsic enemies of President Trump" seeking to thwart its agenda and to delegitimize its presidency.

The authors, Corey R. Lewandowski and David N. Bossie, are both Republican agents who do not work in the administration, but are close to Trump and portray themselves as his outside protectors. They describe the president as a victim of disloyalty to his staff and "swamp creatures" eager to extinguish his political movement.

Their book, "Trump's Enemies: How the Deep State undermines the presidency," published Tuesday and obtained in advance by the Washington Post, paints a dark and sometimes conspiratorial portrait of Trump's Washington. The authors identify by name a number of Trump appointees who they say formed "resistance" in the government during the first two years of his presidency.

Lewandowski and Bossie write that these officials "attack the administration with a thousand cuts. They do it regardless of the millions of Americans who voted for Donald Trump. They do it only for their own purposes. There are far too many people in the depths of the federal government who harbor such a deep hatred of Trump as anyone in the Clinton / Obama cabal. The thing is, they are shooting at it when nobody is watching.

The anticipation of the book – the latest memoir of Trump's assistants or allies – has sowed consternation in the president's orbit, in part because the writers are controversial characters. His release comes at a time of transition for Trump, who is analyzing many changes in his cabinet and senior officials and preparing for a realignment of power in Washington in January, when Democrats take control of the House.

Lewandowski, the former campaign manager of the president, and Bossie, his former deputy campaign manager, have personal relationships with Trump and have accompanied him on campaign trips this year. But some White House staff would be wary of their motives and fear that they would influence the president, including Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, who regularly restricted their access to the wing. west, write the authors.

Trump's Enemies, which is 288 pages long and is published by Center Street, is a continuation of the first book that Lewandowski and Bossie wrote together, the "Let Trump Be Trump" campaign memoir, released last year.

Lewandowski and Bossie met Trump in the Oval Office on September 20 for a friendly interview, a transcript of which is reproduced in the new book. Trump told the authors that he considered that the investigation led by the special advocate Robert S. Mueller III on the interference of Russia in the 2016 presidential election l & # 39; He had helped politically.

"I think it strengthens my foundation," Trump said in the interview. "I would not have said that. But I think the level of love is now much greater than when we won. I do not know, what do you think, Mike?

Vice President Pence, who attended a portion of the interview, replied, "As loud or stronger."

Trump spent much of the interview complaining about the media. When Bossie asked him who his biggest enemy was, Trump said, "The biggest enemy of this country is Fake News. I really think so. He added, "I think one of the most important things I've done, especially for the public, is to explain that much of the news is actually a fake. "

Trump told Lewandowski and Bossie that he regretted not having immediately sent James B. Comey back to the post of director of the FBI. "I should have fired it the day after my win and my announcement, please, get out of here," Trump said. The president also said that Congressional Republicans "were giving up" by not fighting more for funding for the construction of a wall at the US-Mexico border.

Lewandowski and Bossie use their book to settle accounts with a number of Trump advisors. They talk about Trump's former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and former campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, who cooperate in the Mueller investigation, each of them being a rat".

The authors describe a cohort of White House assistants – including former press secretary Sean Spicer and former Deputy Chief of Staff Joe Hagin – as "the club of the ninth of November," claiming they are establishment Republicans who did not fully support was elected, when they began looking for powerful jobs in government.

Lewandowski and Bossie also saved the former director of the National Economic Council, Gary Cohn, as a "liberal limo" and "the standard bearer of the treacherous staff conspiring against President Trump". And they accuse former staff secretary, Rob Porter, of opposing the program to make it more traditionally "presidential."

The story reads in part as Trump's grievances on Twitter. Lewandowski and Bossie write extensively about the same FBI and justice officials whose names are so many presidential tweets – Comey, Andrew McCabe, Lisa Page, Peter Strzok and Sally Yates. And they attack the same intelligence officials that Trump often targets – James R. Clapper Jr. and John Brennan – and accuse them of wanting to "cancel the elections and bring down the president" by detailing Russia's interferences. .

The authors also attack many of Trump's Democratic enemies. They refer to Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) As "crazy"; call Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) "a lot of Liberal crazy people"; and qualify Senator Kamala D. Harris (D-Calif.) as an enemy of President Trump. They also explain the middle name of former President Barack Obama, Hussein, echoing a common Republican tactic supposedly to falsely suggest that the 44th president is a president. Muslim.

Like Trump, the authors use colorful language to reject the investigation of Russia, particularly the idea that Trump's campaign conspired with the Russians, as an excuse invented by the Democrats to lose the & # 39; They call this "a work of fiction so complex, so audacious, so incredible that they gave rewards for bad excuses, the Democrats would win an Oscar, an Emmy and maybe even the Heisman trophy ".

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