The White House angry for "burying" the Bombshell climate report with the publication of the holidays


Critics criticize the sneaky moment of the Trump administration for publishing a devastating federal report exposing the disastrous consequences of climate change.

The 1,700-page report, produced by scientists from 13 federal agencies, warns that tens of thousands of people will die each year and that livelihoods, agriculture, the economy, and the economy will continue. environment will be destroyed, caused by uncontrollable climate change.

The National Climate Assessment was released the day after Thanksgiving. Black Friday is known as one of the best days of the year to bury negative press releases because of skeletal press teams and the public too busy shopping or spending time with family to pay attention.

Former Vice President Al Gore issued a statement accusing President Donald Trump of attempting to "hide the truth" with the timing of the release.

"Incredibly deadly and tragic wildfires are raging in the West, hurricanes are hitting our shores – and the Trump administration is choosing Friday after Thanksgiving to attempt to bury this critical assessment of the climate crisis." by the United States, "added Gore, creator of the documentary on global warming" An Inconvenient Truth. "The President" may try to hide the truth, but his own scientists and experts have made it so clear and clear as possible, "said his statement.

The report was originally scheduled to be published "for a long time" in December, reported CBS News. The sudden change of date was announced the day before Thanksgiving.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vermont) also accused Trump of having "buried" the report. "Why?" He asked in a tweet. "Because Trump's actions compound the situation," he wrote about climate change.

Jake Levine, a former energy and climate adviser in the Obama administration, described it as "the same for the course" as "this president would try to bury this news and deny it". The report is "contrary to his agenda, it's contrary to the interests that support this president," Levine said Friday on MSNBC.

Trump called climate change a "hoax". On Wednesday, while it was very cold on the East Coast, he asked in a tweet: "What happened with global warming?"

The scientists pointed out to the president – again – that the weather was not the same as the climate. The weather can be cold in some areas even as the world breaks annual heat records year after year.

Even a co-author of the study complained about the timing of the publication.

Andrew Light, an international policy expert at the World Resources Institute, told The Associated Press that publishing the report on Black Friday was a "transparent attempt by the Trump administration to bury this report and to continue the campaign to deny but remove the best of climate science. "

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