Greenhouse gases soar as window closes


This results in long-term climate change, rising sea levels, ocean acidification and extreme weather events, the meteorological body found in its latest Greenhouse Gas Bulletin.

The report also noted that there was a "resurgence of a potent greenhouse gas and ozone-depleting substance" called trichlorofluoromethane, or CFC-11, probably related to "an increase in emissions related to the production of CFC-11 in East Asia".

The annual Greenhouse Gas Bulletin has canceled hopes for a slowdown in carbon dioxide emissions – the by-product of the burning of fossil fuels, which scientists say is the main cause of the greenhouse gas effect. greenhouse that causes global warming.

"The window of opportunity for action is almost closed," he warned, adding that we are reaching carbon dioxide concentrations unmatched for more than three million years.

Since 1990, the global warming effect of different greenhouse gases has increased by 41%, so-called "radioactive forcing". The WMO said the higher concentrations of carbon dioxide were melting the ice sheets and leading to more severe weather events, which, according to the Bank of England Wednesday, is responsible for a record 140 losses. billions of dollars in 2017.

WMO Chief Scientist Pavel Kabat said the unusual cold was consistent with climate change.

The report showed that maintaining an increase in temperature below 2 ° C could reduce the risks to the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. "Every fraction of global warming is important, as is every part of a million greenhouse gases."

The results add to the pressure exerted on the emissaries of nearly 200 countries gathered next month in Poland to discuss ways of controlling climate change. The main purpose of this meeting is to adopt a plan to implement the Paris 2015 agreement.

United Nations human rights chief, Michelle Bachelet, sent a letter to all states to tell them that they were subject to legal obligations under the world's human rights law. who aim to prevent climate change and mitigate its effects. "Climate change is scientifically proven".

This is consistent with the average annual growth of greenhouse gases over the past decade and has jumped about 46% from pre-industrial levels.

Methane – whose atmospheric levels now exceed by more than 250% the pre-industrial level – is the second long-term greenhouse gas in importance, 60% of which comes from human activities such as air pollution. Livestock farming, the exploitation of fossil fuels, landfills and biomass. burning.

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