The former deputy director of the Trump campaign, David Bossie, said that Hillary was right on a vast far-right conspiracy


Although a chief opponent of the president Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton received a possibly unexpected support demonstration Sunday from his former deputy campaign manager David Bossie.

During an appearance at Fox News with Corey Lewandowski to promote their new book, Enemies of TrumpBossie evoked the famous Clinton-backed theory that conservative political enemies were involved in a plot to destroy her husband, the president Bill Clinton.

"There is a vast left-wing conspiracy under way since the election leader's victory. Throughout the transition and during the first two years – a vast left-wing conspiracy, "said Bossie, adding that he was using" very similar terms "to what Clinton called" the right-wing conspiracy " .

These allegations, evoked in a long 1995 document known as a memorandum of "far-right far-right conspiracy," claimed that even the media were to blame for damaging Bill's reputation.

Disagree with the claims of Bossie, host Chris Wallace noted Clinton's theory "has turned out not to be true."

"No, that turned out to be true," Bossie retorted. "Chris, the conservative movement has tried to undermine President Clinton."

Although Wallace pointed out that Bill actually had a relationship with a former White House trainee Monica LewinskyBossie did not understand that the president at the time was not targeted by his enemies.

"Of course that's what he did [have that relationship]"Bossie said." But what we are saying here in the book is the media, the Republican establishment and the intelligence services, not together, but separately, that undermine this president. "

Rejecting Bossie's assertion again, Wallace pointed out that the intelligence community was neither left nor right, and that the media was not necessarily loyal to either party.

Watch the clip above via Fox News.
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